A Month of Fun!
Packed in One Big Party!
Happy Birthday, Pen!
Happy Pi Day!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Happy First Day of Spring!
Happy Anniversary, Gramma Enne and Opa Hans!
Happy Palm Sunday!
This lemon meringue is really good!
Looks yummy!
You did a great job, Grace!
Thank you!
Hey, Pen! Having fun!
You bet! This is the best present. Ev-er! (giggles)
I think we're a bit heavy on the sweets.
What?! Never!
I hear we might have a guest for Easter.
It's my birthday!
Hmmm, not sure guest is the correct term.
Check back for more later this week.
Did you have any fun celebrations this March?
Have a lovely day! Stay safe and well!