Monday, March 24, 2025

Day Trip; Road Trip

AG Trip

We have a lovely extended family in the AG Trippers.  The group gets together about four times a year.  

We usually miss the fall one because we're in Coolspring, but the ones we do attend are always a blast!

The latest is coming up in April and we haven't shared July and January with you!  So we wanted to do that today!

July 2024

This time Lanie went along.  It was right around the Summer Olympics so we dressed for the US and Paris.

We saw a chipmunk at Nonna's!  Then headed south.

When we got to Tyson's Corner we were a little hungry so we found Capital Musubi.  It was delicious!

Then we were off to the AG bistro for the big party! This is the time when we get to photo dump a little bit.  (giggles)

January 2025

Back to Tyson's Corner with a new plan!  Meet at the food court then shop at AG.  Kaya went along.  Her first trip to visit the Trippers. 

We found Boba right away.  The menu was fun.  We ordered a Matcha Bubble Milk Tea and an Aurora Lemon Lychee konjac bubble refresher.

The matcha was a bit powdery and she forgot the purple part of the lemon, but both very tasty.

Celebration time!  

Arrived at AG.  What a fun parade we were from the food court to the store!

Who do you think will accompany Melody in April?


*Tea Time with Melody Q and the AG Trippers are not sponsored with American Girl.  

Friday, March 21, 2025

Brainstorming Session 1

Event Planning

Our favorite spot to hang out in town is Chibi Cafe Co.  We've met other friends similar to us there and it is fun to chat with them.  One day Leader Chibi approached us to see if we may want to help plan an event for fellow Chibi enthusiasts.  Of course, we said yes!  So a few weeks ago Xyra took us to meet up with Nonna and Trinity to start the process.  

We ordered Boba tea and cho bites.  Super tasty brain food.  

We established a date - August 3, 2025 and started to discuss what we'd like to have available and do that day.

Look for future brainstorming session updates and details on the event. 

For now, if you are in or near Southeastern PA and East Greenville, mark your calendar and SAVE the DATE for a meet up.  

Thank you for stopping by.  Come again soon.  Don't forget to follow us and our community page on Facebook.

