
Monday, January 17, 2022

Happy Birthday 2022

Celebrate Good Times, Come on!

Here's to Deja Vu and a song that keeps the party going in 2022.  But now...

Let's Get This Party Started!

Our parties are simple! 
Right! (laughing)
Sure, we gather beverages, food, snacks, and...

Cake, of course.
A couple of games or activities.

Sing Happy Birthday
Then just have fun!

Our furry family members come and go as they want.

What is your favorite party food, beverage, or activity?

Thank you for stopping by and partying with us.  Come again soon!


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Celebrate Good Times 2

Oscar Sized Oops!

Hey! Mel!  Wake up!  Wake up!
(groggily)  Huh?  Wha?  What's up?
I just read the post from yesterday and you goofed.
Goofed? How?
You forgot some key people!
What do you mean?
Think about it for a minute.
(thinking) Oh, NO!! Bring me the laptop!  Stat!
You got it!
First, we have to give our thanks to The Debster and Hanna.  If the Debster hadn't introduced me to Hann's blog and if Hanna hadn't introduced us to Doll Diaries, we never would have been inspired to start a blog in the first place.

Second, we have to thank Ladies Dartia, Grey, Vanyer, and Webby who have supported us in so many ways.   With tea and warm quilts and stylish knitwear and sparkling jewelry and movie days. 
Third, thanks to Rhonda whose blog Living a Doll's Life led us to meet Nonna, Notea, and KayKay.  Xyra and Nonna have become fast friends and we've been on many an adventure since 2014.

Fourth, back in 2015 we met another great friend from the other side of the state!  Flo and the Say Hello to my Little Friends crew; they live relatively close to the Coolspring Power Museum and we look forward to getting together during the expos.

Nana Kestral has added to our household collection and Gramma Enne is our greatest fan.

Finally, we must thank our readers!  We are so very happy that you drop by to read and sometimes comment on our posts.  

Thank you, again, for all the support over the years.  We hope to continue blogging for a lot longer and, don't forget, we're on Facebook as well. 

Much love from all of us to our dear friends and supporters!

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Celebrate Good Times

Ninth Blogiversary!

An Invitation

Hi!  Guess what today is?  Our 9th Blogiversary.  That's right!  Our first post was January 8, 2013. 
Over the nine years we've posted 1,438 posts with the most posts in 2014...270.  So please join us in a cup of tea as we look back over the years.  Feel free to click links as you read through.

Check out our year end review for 2014.  That was quite a year.  There were only five us back then.
2015 was another big year.  We welcomed Grace and Bonbon to the family in December.

In 2016, Lea joined the crew with her kitty, Camilla.  She had been in Brazil and was not dressed warm enough for Pennsylvania winter, so we opened the wardrobe to her. 

March 2017 held the most posts for us that year.  Most featured Grace's trip west to see Gramma Enne and Opa Hans.

In 2018, we tried to expand our Model Monday theme posts to include the furry family.  not an easy task.  They are better at photo bombs than posing.
2019 brought a trip to the spa for me.  It was a great experience.  I missed my sisters, but had a great time with KJ and MJ of My Doll Times.  I'd love to see those guys again!  We also welcomed Pen and Gigi to the family!  

You know what happened in 2020...the pandemic hit, Xyra changed jobs, and it was the first year we didn't post in the triple digits.  We did get to meet a new friend in Hershey before the big changes happened.  That was fun!
In the spring of 2021, Bev came to the family.  She didn't arrive with a pet, but our fur family took to her right away. Sadly, 2021 had the lowest amount of posts and we are super thrilled that we still have followers. 

This will be post number 3 of 2022.  We hope to get back to posting more frequently and have been inspired by others to start a new thread or two.  
Thank you for stopping by and celebrating nine years with us.  Please leave a comment with your favorite type of post; we're always looking for ideas.  Definitely getting back to a few more tea reviews.  That Advent calendar was a true inspiration and so much fun!

Sending much love!  Stay safe and well and warm!