
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Celebrity Birthday Shout Out

Happy Birthday, Harry!

You're a Wizard!

Born July 31, 1980 Harry turns 39 this year. 
Our Harry looks a bit younger. (giggles)
I'm Hufflepuff, but today I'll cheer for Harry with a "Go, Go, Gryffindor!" Three cheers for Harry!
Oh, I almost forgot my glasses! Had to dig these out today. 
These are my first glasses; they're a little crooked because I would fall asleep wearing them. (giggles) Someone "oculus reparo" please.

What is your favorite Harry Potter memory? Book or movie?

I asked Xyra and she said she really liked the midnight book releases. She started going with Goblet of Fire. The crowds were a lot of fun!

Best wishes!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Lea and lea

Lea's Truly Me...Sort Of

You know, being the only one without a doll can be upsetting. Today I have my own doll!
She is so pretty! I have a dress just like that. (giggles) Her sandals are adorable!
Looks just like me. (giggles)

[Jeep speeds over and screeches to a stop]
Luci: Jump in!
lea: But I just got here!
Lea: It's okay have fun.
lea: Onward!
[Jeep speeds off] vvvrrooommmm!

Well, I guess I'll have to read her book and wait for them to get back. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜‚


Monday, July 29, 2019

July 2019 Update

We Are Here! We Are Here!

Wow! So much has been going on here this month and it has been so very hot it has been really hard to work on any posts. 
A new post is almost as rare as a unicorn.
Of which we have at least three. (giggles)
But we wanted you to know we have not left the blogging realm.
Just need a few extra hours in the day.
A few less degrees on the thermometer.
I do have it on good authority that Lea has something to share in the very near future.
Yep, hopefully tomorrow.
And that Kirsten is doing a period shoot.
So true!
So please bear with us!

We miss you!

Best wishes,

Friday, July 12, 2019

Fun Friday: Grace-ful Sunshine

Here Comes the Sun

Yesterday was terrible weather wise, but not quite as bad as the middle of the country has experienced. However, it was really bad compared to what we normally experience. Today is another story. Bright sunshine. Hot, but not too hot. Humid, but not too humid. So okay for a fun photo shoot.

The Shoot

The Details
Top: AG Play Outfit (retired)
Shorts: OG Wherever and Ever outfit (retired)
Shoes: AG Cargo Outfit (retired)
Sunglasses: OG Paris in Pink outfit (retired, but on Amazon).

Hope you are having a happy Friday! What is your favorite photo from the shoot?

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Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, Our Generation, or Amazon. Links are provided for informative purposes and do not generate income for this blog. All items featured in the post were purchased for or gifted to our collection. No purchase is suggested or required to enjoy the post.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Build: July 2019

The Boy Who Lived

Hello there! I am so excited I get to reveal our July calendar build!
So we're not sure why all the new Harry potter Lego sets are coming out now, but we love them! I mean, the 20th anniversary of the first book was recently celebrated so that's a good reason.
Franz gave Xyra the Hogwarts Express kit for her birthday, but she hasn't had a chance to put it together yet. Then there were the mini figure blind bags that held Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts characters. Now new Lego sets. We found one at Walmart we had to have! We took bits from each to create July in honor of Harry's and Neville's birthdays.
I love Neville! I'm so happy he was in one of the blind bags.
We started with Platform Nine and three quarters from the Hogwarts Express set. Pulled a couple of the mini figures from there too. The lady with the trolley, Professor Lupin, a dementor, Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
From the blind bags we added Neville (sighs, giggles), Dean, Professor Trelawney, and Professor Flitwick.
From the new set we added Sirius and Harry's patronus!
Something you can't quite see, the wall behind Professor Trelawney moves! 
We couldn't add any color dividers between the weeks of the calendar because it wouldn't have fit under the arches properly. It might look as if there is a lot of space, but we had to stop where the squares would fit.
I'm not sure how I feel about Scabbers. 
Oh! We should have found the little ginger kitty from our Friends collection to represent Crookshanks! I may add that before the end of the month. (giggles)

Of course, we had to put Sirius near Remus. You know they are best friends. Here's a better look at them at the top of the stairs.
I really liked this one and hope you do too. If not; well, we have a new calendar to build for August.
We kept the three requirements for our 2019 build. Month arch, featured mini figures, and the pineapple. Did you find the pineapple?
Hope you are having a lovely July so far. Don't forget to tell us your favorite part of the July Calendar!

Have a great Tuesday!