
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Celebrity Birthday Shout Out

Happy Birthday, Harry!

You're a Wizard!

Born July 31, 1980 Harry turns 39 this year. 
Our Harry looks a bit younger. (giggles)
I'm Hufflepuff, but today I'll cheer for Harry with a "Go, Go, Gryffindor!" Three cheers for Harry!
Oh, I almost forgot my glasses! Had to dig these out today. 
These are my first glasses; they're a little crooked because I would fall asleep wearing them. (giggles) Someone "oculus reparo" please.

What is your favorite Harry Potter memory? Book or movie?

I asked Xyra and she said she really liked the midnight book releases. She started going with Goblet of Fire. The crowds were a lot of fun!

Best wishes!


  1. Harry looks incredibly young for his age. Yes, Happy Birthday Harry! Apparently I'm a Gryffinclaw (hybrid house of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw). I even took an online test. It was quite accurate.

    1. (giggles) Yes, he does! Xyra is a Ravenpuff. She may have taken the same test!

  2. Oh and my favorite Harry Potter (book and movie) is The Deathly Hallows. My favorite Harry Potter memory is when my sisters and I all played Quiditch in our backyard. Unfortunately we couldn't fly.

    1. That sounds like a lot of fun! Ooo! I just realized we have enough people for a Quidditch team! Hmm...

  3. I remember those midnight book releases!

    1. So much fun! I wish I had known you back then would have added to the experience!
