
Friday, July 12, 2019

Fun Friday: Grace-ful Sunshine

Here Comes the Sun

Yesterday was terrible weather wise, but not quite as bad as the middle of the country has experienced. However, it was really bad compared to what we normally experience. Today is another story. Bright sunshine. Hot, but not too hot. Humid, but not too humid. So okay for a fun photo shoot.

The Shoot

The Details
Top: AG Play Outfit (retired)
Shorts: OG Wherever and Ever outfit (retired)
Shoes: AG Cargo Outfit (retired)
Sunglasses: OG Paris in Pink outfit (retired, but on Amazon).

Hope you are having a happy Friday! What is your favorite photo from the shoot?

À bientôt!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, Our Generation, or Amazon. Links are provided for informative purposes and do not generate income for this blog. All items featured in the post were purchased for or gifted to our collection. No purchase is suggested or required to enjoy the post.


  1. Thanks for the photo shoot tips. I am still learning how to use my camera and take good doll photos. Sometimes I cut off their heads. I always enjoy seeing how other people pose their dolls.

    1. I do that too! Very thankful for digital where you can delete the not so hot ones. I use the phone on my camera and learned to take the far shot then crop. As you crop it zooms.

      There are some great doll photographers out there. I'm still learning too!

  2. Ooh, my favorite is hands down the 8th photo. I love the angle, lighting, colors, etc!!! :)
