
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Coolspring June 2019 Day 3

Coolspring Power Museum

June Expo & Flea Market

Friends and Phils
Hi! welcome back! If you are a regular follower, you know that Coolspring is a meet up spot for Say Hello to My Little Friends and Tea Time with Melody Q. We've been getting together twice a year since June 2015! 

Two Junes ago Lea and Sophia, Flo & Xyra decided to find the Phantastic Phils throughout Punxsutawney. According to the current list, it keeps changing, we had four Phils to find! The last time I went I got to meet Abby, but this time I met Fiona.

The weather was PERFECT! Blue sky with little white clouds. Warm, but not too warm. Cool enough for long sleeves. Definitely a sunscreen and hat day! Since it was so gorgeous the museum was busy and I mean BUSY! Flo double parked by the antique store and we jumped in the car and sped off for Punxsy!

Xyra wrote down all the addresses for the remaining Phils, but didn't plot them on the map. That was funny! (giggles) The first one we hit was a Steve's Greenhouse-Philled with Memories of Shannon. 
This one is a memorial Phil. It tells the story of Shannon's life and all the things that were important to her; each frame in the filmstrip is different.
Then we headed off to Gimmicks for "Breakfast sounds Good." Here Phil has an egg shaped guitar. 
According to the map the owner loves to make breakfast and is a singer/songwriter. Something in common with Flo...the singer/songwriter part. Fiona and I hopped right on top of the stack of pancakes. Sturdy shoes are a must for climbing those. (giggles)
After breakfast (giggles) we headed off to find Healthy Phil. 
He's at the Primary Health Network Building. Tris needed to stretch her little legs so she joined in on this photo. And Fiona put on the hat we gave her! I love that hat; can't wait to wear ours this summer.
The last Phil we needed to find was Possi-Phil-ity. It's on the IUP Punxsutawny campus. Or it should be! We circled the area several times and couldn't find it. We compared the architecture we could see to that in the map Phil to be found. So we still have one to find! At least now we know where the campus is located. We circled town a bit even with two GPSs. (giggles)

It was so much fun to hang out with Fiona. She brought her doll Isabelle with her so we had a few new ideas for Izzy and Luci when we got back to the museum. you'll have to come back to see what they did. (giggles)

Which Phil is your favorite? Feel free to look at Lea's and Kaya's Phil photos; the links are below. 

À bientôt!

See other Phil statue posts: TTwMQ June 2017, October 2017 SHtMLF June 2017, October 2017


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