
Monday, December 3, 2018

Days 2 and 3 of 24 Plus

Countdown Continues

Hi! It was a very busy weekend at our house. I, Xyra, was down at Ursinus three days in a row for the 81st annual performance of Handel's Messiah. Dress rehearsal was kind of tense, but both performances went really well for almost packed houses Saturday and Sunday. Grace helped with the baking for Goschenhoppen Christmas Market; which Lanie is eager to tell you about. So find your favorite beverage and get comfy for this three part post...well, I guess four part with my introduction. 😉

Christmas Market

Saturday was so much fun and the weather held off so that I could really enjoy Christmas Market. The Goschenhoppen Historians partner with the Schwenkfelder Library and Mennonite Heritage Center to provide a traditional historical experience for people. I only got to the Goschenhoppen part in Green Lane, PA but it was great! Melody went in 2014. Oh! (laughing) I wore the same coat she did! Grace went in 2016 and Lea in 2017. Lea got to the Schwenkfelder Library portion too. Looking back at their posts, I've narrowed down my photos a bit for fewer repeats.

When we arrived it was so busy, which is a good thing, we had to park behind the firehouse and walk down to the museum.
Then we noticed most people going to the main museum first so we headed to the general store museum instead. Okay, this is a repeat photo.
The store had it's own Christmas tree.
I loved the checker board. Shall we play a game?
The weather was nice so they didn't need to have the coal stove fired, but it was ready just in case.
I know the others remarked on the typewriter, but I'm loving the ledger!
You could get almost everything at the general store, even plows!
Then we headed to the main building. If you like to decorate with live greens you could get some nice ones here. I liked these.
Just inside the door was a cute little woodland tree with prickly creatures. So cute!
Grace would love these antique cookie cutters. The rooster to my right is actually carved from wood!
This lumberjack tree was a riot! Decorated with lumberjacks, flannel shirts, etc.

There was even a raccoon.
This bird tree made me think of Gramma Enne and Nana Kestrel, they both like birds.

The train layout is nice. (whispers) I like Franz's better.

These decoys made me think of Opa Hans.
Oh, the owls!

I know Nana Kestrel made many of these owls, especially the cardboard ones.
Phil's, or Grundie's, house was back by popular demand!

I can see why! Super cute and funny!

Up on the third floor I really liked all the displays, this cupboard with utensils really caught my eye.
In the hallway were some lovely paintings. I'm not sure if they qualify as primitives or not.
In the basement was the bake sale and lunch counter. Check out all the cookies! 
We bought 3/4 of a pound. Then we picked up some pretzels and cheese for the ride home. A fun day!

December 2 Advent Calendars

Oh, Camille! I love this kitten calendar! All the tabbies look like you! (giggles)
Let's see...where is the door marked 2? Oh, there it is!
So cute! Looks like you're carrying a Christmas cake and Pyewacket is chasing you. (giggles)
Let's see what we have over here. And behind door number 2 is...
Skis! (hears scraping noise) No, Camille, that's not a kitty toy!

There we go, she's wearing her skis. Part of the No Pole Ski Patrol. 
Just remember, not a kitty toy!

December 3 Advent Calendars

Lea had a hard time finding door 2...this is a challenge, where could 3 be?
Oh! There it is behind the red star.
(giggles) Kittens playing with bead garland.

Yeah, that's why we don't have garland.

This one is easy! Three is right next to two.
Okay, I don't get it. What are these supposed to be. Better check the diagrams.
Ski poles!
There we go.
So she's not part of the No Pole Ski Patrol after all. (giggles) 
But she is ready to tackle the slopes, now if it weren't 50 degrees out.

Sometimes long posts are a lot of fun. We hope you made it through this one. Please share in the comment section you favorite parts of this post.

Thank you for stopping by! Come again soon. We have a lot to share this month!


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