
Friday, June 29, 2018

End of an Era

A Sad Day in the Toy World

Toys 'R Us closed it's doors today. We say good bye to Geoffrey and all the fun we had shopping in that store. In our last visit we found this great LEGO exclusive set. Seemed fitting to build it today.

Much love to all the Toys 'R Us kids out there!


  1. Too sad. Yet I remember (I live in Vancouver BC Canada) when Toys R Us came to our mall at the beginning of the 1990's. There was a tiny toy store just a few stores away on the same level. It had to close because it couldn't compete. I never really enjoyed Toys R Us after that, as I loved the little toy store. It was called Toys and Wheels. So I guess it's all about competition in this dog eat dog sort of world. Sigh. I do go to the TRU store which is still open here, to see the Journey Girl dolls. What is weird is that the TRU is on the bottom level of a store above; Sears. It used to be the exact location where Sears toy department used to be! And the Sears above, on the other 2 floors, closed this January 2018. Everything is very sad to me lately in the retail world.

    1. I understand. I was more fond of KayBee toys and that went out in the 90s. We had to travel to any specific toy store; it was always a treat. I've always enjoyed the toy sections in department stores. Although, Kohl's is kind of annoying; very disorganized.

  2. Yes, the passing of an era. I noticed you have Geoffrey's ears turned down in sadness and dismay. Always was a fun place to check out the latest and greatest toys.

    1. Yes, and he and the children are hugging good-bye. Was a fun place because there was so much to see. Great for picking up Toys for Tots donations.
