
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Chit Chat Plus

Comment Ça Va?

Hey, how's it going? 
I know it's usually Grace who uses French but I wanted a catchy opening for a super laid back post.

If you follow us and we follow your blog, you may have noticed we haven't been doing much commenting. Well, other stuff got in the way and now we are working our way through our inbox. 
We're going through the primary box first then we'll move into social. So you might be getting comment notifications for older posts. Or maybe not since Blogger stopped sending email notifications for comments. That new policy is kind of annoying, but since we moderate our comments we always look at the blog stats board for comments awaiting moderation. 

Anyway, here we are halfway through the year and still slightly behind. So many of the bloggers we follow have slowed or stopped posting we just haven't been up to updating our blogs we visit page. We will because we have new people to add. Just takes some time to go through the list.

Enough of business...on with the fun!

A Blind Box!

Last week Mimi and Flo brought us some fun goodies. This is the first one I want to show you. It's a Ty Mini Boo blind box. I love surprises, don't you!
I wonder which one is inside?
It's nice they include a checklist.
What are you doing, Coco? Wait. I'll get the scissors.
Oh, I see white feet and a blue tipped tail.
CUTE! A Puppy!
(giggles) You have nothing to worry about, Coco! Although I think this little guy is bigger than Caramel Creme. (giggles) It's Duke! Cool!
Gotta love those big puppy eyes.

Such a great surprise. 
This would make a great birthday present; the box would be so easy to wrap.

Do you have any Mini Boos? If yes, which one or ones? If no, do you collect other blind bags?

Best wishes,


  1. McDonald's Happy Meal toys are as close as I get to blind bags!

  2. Aww, Coconut is so fluffy! I like the size of the Mini Boos. They seem perfect for AG. :D

    You'll probably see it anyway, but just letting you know I tagged you for the AG Q&A Tag on my blog! :)


    1. They do seem to be a great size. :-)

      Yes, I've created my button now need to do the rest. Thank you!

    2. :) Awesome-can't wait to see it!

  3. Cute puppy! I understand with being behind in the community. It seems like most of the blogs I follow have been very quiet recently, mine included. It makes me sad, I know it's just a season, and people are busy, but still. Thank you for hanging around even when things get busy and you lose inspiration.

    1. Thank you for continuing to read and visit. :-)
