
Monday, July 2, 2018

Mini Pet Adventure #9

New Member of the Fur Family

Bijoux to the Rescue?

We have a tiny new addition to our fur family. 
Pyewacket and Licorice were the first to detect her.
They kept sniffing around the cage.

Bijoux found the two...
and didn't like them sniffing around the little hammy. 
So Bijoux chased them away.
Then Bijoux went back to sit guard.
Soon Pyewacket and Licorice came back.
They realized this newcomer was not lunch.
Later the little hammy built a nest ad took a nap.
Bijoux continues to sit guard..

Side Note

The website says "this little guy," but it is definitely a female hamster. Very cute and fuzzy. She is yet to be named; we're brainstorming! Do you have any suggestions? Leave a comment below.

Best wishes,

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl. The animals featured in the post were either gifts or purchased with our own money for our collection. No purchase is required or suggested to enjoy the post. Links are included for informative purposes.


  1. My first hamster was named Sugar; she was all white. She had a litter and one baby that survived long enough to be named, Inky. Inky didn't make it. At the same time, my sister got Cuddles, a fawn colored hamster so our AG hamster is Cuddles.

    You could always call her Snickers or Brownie :)

    1. Those are great names. We'll add them to the list.
