
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Meatloaf's Rail Adventures #8

Return to a Great Location

Heritage Rail Trail New Freedom, PA

Meatloaf was excited to be going back to New Freedom with Xyra, Franz, and Leg Lare. They went on Labor Day and were heading back for Memorial Day weekend. The trip was Friday and it was amazing how many people were still using the trail. Anyway, I thought his little tail was going to wag right off when he saw Xyra preparing her gear and packing drinks. and again when he saw one of the motorcars from the Virginia trip!

Bright and early they jumped in the truck and headed out to pick up Leg Lare and his motorcar. Then it was off to York County. They got there in good time and were one of the first to set on. Which means time to explore while others set on.
On Labor Day, Xyra took 3 books from the New Freedom Little Free Library. She and Meatloaf checked it out again. 
She brought three books to add and took two more. She also put a shout out to friends in the area to help fill the young adult and adult shelves. So I want to do that too! If you live near the New Freedom Rail Trail Cafe or are planning to visit, take along a few books to add to the shelves. 
You know, choose a few from the pile you're creating for your yard sale.

While waiting for everyone to set on, Meatloaf stretched his little legs and explored the area around the New Freedom station.

The cafe was not open yet.

Hmmm, I wonder if Meatloaf likes butter. (giggles) 
He does. He also love buttercups.

Soon it was time for the safety meeting. 
Meatloaf was quiet while they explained the trip, crossings procedures, and read the release form. Then it was time to be off.

There was a brief stop right away. 
A couple of the cars near the back of the line were having too many issues and went back to set off. It's really too bad when that happens.

Meatloaf found a Rockets Rock and relocated it along the trail. 

Xyra is pretty sure there was another one right by the Little Free Library, but it was so perfectly placed she didn't want to relocate it.

At Hanover Junction Station Meatloaf had a chance to go exploring again.

There was a pretty garden close to the road planted by Penn State Master Gardeners as a memorial to Abraham Lincoln.

Then it was off to the end or at least the turning spot. Here they waited a bit for everyone to get turned around and ready to head back with a stop for lunch.
It was a hot day, so shade was welcome at any stop. So was a chance to stretch.

One of the coolest spots was the tunnel.
On the way back a quick stopped at Hanover Junction again.
Then back to New Freedom to set off and head home.

Both Xyra and Meatloaf dozed in the back seat while Franz and Leg Lare visited in front.
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of the sites again. they hope to travel this one again. 

Which is your favorite photo from Meatloaf's latest trip?

Best wishes,


  1. AWWW, Meatloaf is so cute! Looks like he had a great time. All the photos were sooo cute, but if I had to choose a favorite:

    1. He almost always has a good time. :-) Thank you.
      The safety meeting is a fun photo!

  2. These trips always look like so much fun. I got a chuckle out of Meatloaf and the buttercup, I remember doing that when I was a kid.

    Another thought too for the library exchange--if you don't have any books in your own collection you wish to swap, you can get books for next to nothing at thrift stores!
