
Thursday, May 24, 2018

Tea Review: Royal Wedding Tea

Thirsty Thursday #28

Harney and Sons Royal Wedding Tea

Hello, everyone! Haley here! Our Monday post mentioned we'd be reviewing the Royal Wedding Tea we sipped while watching the Duke and Duchess of Sussex get married. So I thought I'd put my party clothes on again for this event. The Duchess of Cambridge wears her favorite clothes more than once why shouldn't I? (giggles) 

Usually the lighting is so strange in one of our regular reviewing areas, I convinced Xyra to try another location. You don't really need to see the kettle on the burner, right?
So, we opted for the 2 ounce tin. It's lovely!
The one side tells you about the character of the tea and rating.

"The white tea flavors are nicely married with the nuttiness of almonds and coconuts, and the sweet creaminess of vanilla."
According to the rating this is not a very brisk tea, but has nice body and bold aroma.

The other side of the tin give you the brewing instructions and ingredients.

"White tea, rose petals, blue cornflowers, marigold petals, almond flavor, coconut flavor, vanilla flavor."
Hmmm, maybe we should have read this more closely.

It's really a lovely blend.
Smells exotic, kind of tropical.
Looks nice waiting for the water.
Let's watch the leaves dance for a few minutes.

Oh, their really going now! (giggles)
[timer beeps]

Done! It does smell lovely. slightly floral and nutty.
Some of the leaves are still floating at the top.
This make a dark tea despite being a white tea.

So let's give it a try. Well, I've tried this already...(giggles)...that's why I'm doing the review. The first sip is interesting. 
There is a lot going get the bits of floral and the almond and coconut and the vanilla tries to wrap everything together. This is how the maker intends it to be enjoyed.

This second sip is with a small spoon of sugar in the raw.
This is nice. I think the molasses in the sugar unites some of the flavors and notes.

Finally, I'm going to add a touch of milk.
This is good too. The milk blends actually unites the notes even more. I get the coconut note last with the milk. Maybe my sisters would have liked it better this way. 

So here is the low down. My sisters are not fond of this blend. Maybe too much vanilla in it. Some of the notes stick out over others. I kind of like it; it is not a favorite, but I like it enough to want to try it again. Also, we tried re-steeping the leaves Saturday; this blend should really only be steeped once. The second pot was really weak. 

Overall, I think it is a unique and pleasant blend. 
If you are interested, Harney and Sons offers a "sample" size that makes a few cups. 

[Xyra aside: I opted for the tin to keep as a souvenir. This is not a favorite of mine. Not sure if it is the vanilla or something else, maybe the almond. You definitely want to drink this while it is hot; it's terrible cold and gets bitter when reheated.]

Warmest wishes to all!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with Madame Alexander or Harney and Sons. The tea reviewed was purchased with our own funds for our collection and in celebration of the May 19, 2018 royal wedding. The review is unsolicited and comprised of our own opinions, thoughts, and words. Links are provided for educational and informative purposes; no purchase is required to enjoy the post. If you are interested in trying the tea, the links will point you in the right direction.


  1. Interesting. The coconut would have turned me off.

    1. It isn't very powerful, so not off-putting. I think it adds to the creaminess.
