
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tea Review: Teapigs Darjeeling

Tea for Tuesday #12

Teapigs Darjeeling

Happy Fastnacht Day, Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras! 
Today's celebrations are perfect for a cup of Darjeeling "the champagne of teas"! You want something lovely to drink with your festival foods that doesn't overpower. We happen to have some of Teapigs Darjeeling right here ready to try.
I love how each Teapigs blend is represented by a picture. This one has a locomotive on it. I'm certain it is because of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. This is a sampler pack with two tea temple sachets. This is a tea temple.
The back of the box gives you a little description of the tea from Louise, another bit about the company and the tea temples, and the most important to steep it properly.

So I've put the temple in our pot, Xyra poured the water, and I will set the timer for 4 minutes. Now we wait.
[timer beeps]
Done! Yay! The Darjeeling has a beautiful color.
And smells nice. Warm, a little floral, but not heavily floral.
The box says to drink it without milk. Of course, our first is always plain.
Mmmm, this is lovely. Light but still has good body. A bit floral, but not overpowering. Even slightly earthy, but not too much of that either. Also slightly sweet. I'm taking another sip plain.
Mmmm, yes. I like the Darjeeling just the way it is. A nice mysterious mix of goodness.
The Teapigs Darjeeling tea is the perfect cup to enjoy with your fastnacht, pancakes, doughnuts,  beignets, or king cake. It doesn't compete with your tasty treats and is super tasty on it's own.
I'm having fastnacht with mine. 
Want to learn more about today's festivities and traditions? Click the links to past posts:
Happy Fastnacht Day 2013
Happy Shrove Tuesday 2014
Fastnacht Day 2016
Happy Lent Eve 2017

Xyra's Notes

  • We did not try this with any sweetners. In my humble opinion, the additional flavors might mar the lovely notes already in the tea.
  • The Teapigs site gives instructions on how to enjoy the Darjeeling hot and iced. The flavor is nice hot or cold. However, if your hot cuppa gets cold and needs a re-heat, it would be better to weaken it by adding more hot water than to stick it in the microwave. Darjeeling does not like being "nuked." It gets a bit bitter. Of course, I'd be bitter too if my molecules were agitated. 😉
  • We have not tried re-steeping at this time. I think you might get one more cup out of a temple depending on the length of your first steep.

Stop again soon! Have a nice day!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl or Teapigs. The tea reviewed was purchased at the Coffee and Tea Festival Philly with our own funds. The above review is unsolicited and comprised of our own observations, thoughts, and words. All links provided are for educational and informational purposes; no purchase is required to enjoy the post. If you are inspired to try Teapigs, the links can help you find your way. Happy sipping!
