
Friday, July 8, 2016

Coolspring June 2016 3

Day Three

More Exploring

Saturday at Coolspring is a little less packed than Friday. So I could explore the grounds more. But you want to get there early in the day; a lot of people head home Saturday.

After breakfast, boy do I love those blueberry pancakes, I helped with tent-keeping.
It felt nice in the shade.

While walking over to the Power Tech Annex I finally saw "the Jeep." (giggles) 
I'm not sure what the others see in it. This golf cart is more my speed.
Something caught my eye and I found the Hornsby-Akroyd.

I hiked up the hill to the Friends Exhibition building and found the Blackstone.
It's really interesting.

On the other side of the building a pretty red engine called me over.
It's a Backus.
This engine has an interesting hood over the governor.
You can find snacks up in the Friends building. Candy and Timbits and apples. 
It's a nice place to rest. I'll have to remind Xyra she should show Flo this building in the fall.

Pat's Place has this green Ruston among other engines.

And behind that is a new pavilion!
This will be fun when it's filled.

We stopped in Sudlow Station on the way back down the hill. 
It wasn't running, but it was nice to look at for awhile.

Hope you have a great Friday!
