
Saturday, July 9, 2016

Coolspring June 2016 4

Home Again!

Every trip comes to an end. It was fun to be away and meet new people, but it's also nice to come home to my own bed and shower. Not to mention my sisters are our furry friends.

This time we went into Punxsutawney for breakfast. Guess what?! Blueberry pancakes. Yum! When we got back to the museum we finished packing everything up and headed home. It's a long ride 4 - 4 1/2 hours.

Yay! Home!
Quick note - if you've been following Lanie's garden updates, our Coolspring trip was before the groundhog started visiting. You can see the lovely lettuce behind me.

Sharing Gifts

[These first couple of photos are a touch blurry. I apologize.]

Grace, Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Lea, Melody, 2 or more

Hi, Haley! What's with the new chair?
Flo found it and couldn't use it for her crew so she and Alya brought it for us.
Have you tried it out yet?
It's nice!
Are the other things from them too?
Yeah! Neat, right?
I love the purse!
Madeline and Genevieve are so cute!
Is this a scrapbook?
Sure! You have to look at it!
I'll pass it around.
Nice outfit! I love the pattern of the shirt.
Thanks. It's comfy.
This bear is so cuddly!
Kirsten! You're in here with Shivan.
Oooo! That was a fun photo. She's so much fun! I wonder what she's up to this summer?
Flo mentioned Louisa went camping. I'm not sure what Shivan is up to.
Hey, let's go check their blog?
Great idea!

Thank you for the goodies, Flo and Alya!

What is the first thing you do when you get home from a trip?

Have a great Saturday!


  1. When I get home I go colapse on my bed and Zzz

  2. I think that is so sweet that you guys went on a trip together! I checked out Flo's post about the trip too, and it looks like you guys had a great time! That chair is really cute! :)

    ginnie /

    1. It's fun to connect with other bloggers. We did. :-) Thanks!

  3. When I get home from a trip, I instantly unpack absolutely everything. I can't stand to live out of a suitcase, so I get everything put away immediately. My husband thinks it is so weird, but as soon as we get home, I want it to be like we never left. :)

    ginnie /

    1. Sometimes I do that and other times I stay partially packed. You have a good practice going.

  4. Glad you liked the gifts! The girls had fun figuring out what to send this time. I'm happy to finally see what Madeline looks like, I resisted opening the box!
