
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Coolspring June 2016 2

Day Two


Hi! My second day at Coolspring had much better weather, but boy did it get hot in the sun. After another great breakfast from Villela's Meats I went walking around the flea market again. Found two really awesome things!

First, I found a great outfit. 
It comes with a shirt, panties, shorts, jeans, beret, socks, sandals, and sneakers! Don't worry we won't wear the socks with the sandals. (giggles)

I love the pattern in the shirt. 
It will be perfect for Independence Day!

Then I found this great camera!

Isn't it cool?

I put everything away and turned around to see our neighbor's little pup enjoying the sun.
Doesn't she have great eyes?

We had dinner from the Community Center. Spaghetti and meatballs. Super yummy! Blueberry cobbler too.

Later that night we went up the hill to Exley Station. The largest engine in the museum is there; it's a 600 hp Snow and has scheduled run times. Xyra said we'd be up there until after dark so I grabbed my sweatshirt.

Have a great Thursday!



  1. LOVE love LOVE the camera! Glad you got to see the Snow running, it really is something.

    1. Oh, my, gosh! Yes, the Snow is so impressive!

  2. That camera is amazing and I love the shirt!

    1. Still wondering if I could find film for it. I saw it and the first thought was "perfect size" the next was "Bond, James Bond."
