
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Coolspring June 2016 1

Day One

Okay, so this is really day two. We arrived on Wednesday night, but it was late. Our friends saved us each a plate so we could have supper. Then we put up the tent. I ran around a little bit, but was zonked after the trip so I headed to the tent with my book.

Visit with Friends

This was our first full day at Coolspring Power Museum. We had an awesome breakfast from Villela's Meats - eggs, blueberry pancakes, and bacon. There was sausage too, but I like bacon better. Then we got a text from Flo and Alya and were off to the General Store. 

Hi, Alya! I love your outfit!
Thanks! Your shorts are great too! Where did you get them?
They're from The Queen's Treasures.

Then we walked back to the Museum entrance.
Alya spotted an interesting bird just as the picture was taken. Oops!

We walked around the flea market and were resting a bit, when we noticed a few people working with tarps. I pointed them out to Xyra. She looked to her left and said we better head for the buildings. We made it to the Power Tech building just as the storm hit. It got really loud in there with the engines running and the rain pounding on the tin roof. It was fun to just sit and visit using outdoor voices. (giggles)

After a while we darted over to the ice cream building. We used the overhangs to protect us from any rain. I felt like Scooby-Doo sneaking up on a villian going from tree to tree. You know about that, right? Xyra got a combination of chocolate and blueberry, the rest of us got chocolate. It's really good. I can see why the others told me not to miss it.

The rain had stopped enough for us to tour the grounds and the other engine buildings there. This neat engine was in the Municipal Works building. The brick floor was different.
This is the White and Middleton engine. It's 11 hp , that's short for horsepower, and was used to charge the battery bank for a small rural telephone service. No cell phones back when this was in full operation.
Here you can see the telephone dynamo behind us.

Then we walked through the Tom Rapp Pumping Building over to the Aron Nagy Eclipse Building.

Wow! This is gorgeous! All the wood.

The threshold was perfect for a photo. 
If you visit the museum, you can feel secure knowing there are real bathrooms on the grounds. The port-a-potties are spaced throughout so if you can't get all the way over to the bathrooms you don't end up embarrassed.
We sat here for a bit too.

Too soon it was time for Flo and Alya to head home. One last look at the eclipse.

We passed the antique shop on the way. This window display reminded me of American Girl Kit. 
Don't you think so?

It was so much fun exploring with Alya. I hope she had fun too.

When I got back to the tent I tried out the chair they found for us and looked more closely at the other goodies. 
Isn't this purse great? And a Coolspring memory book. So cool. (giggles) There is more, but you'll see that later. Thank you Alya and Flo!

Have a great Wednesday!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, Madame Alexander, or The Queen's Treasures. Links to these sites are purely informative; no purchase is required or suggested. We are friends with many at The Coolspring Power Museum and Say Hello to My Little Friends. Links to these sites are educational.



  1. Hey, it's cool to see me on someone else's blog! Hi Hayley!!!

    1. Hi, Alya! Love that patriotic dress you were wearing the other day! Very cute.

  2. I wish I could have been there! That antique shop looked SO inviting I definitely would have been in there! Glad you girls had so much fun!

    1. It is a very nice antique shop. They have a lot of everything, and it's laid out nicely in groups.

  3. Hi Hayley! I think it's really neat that you could meet up with Alya and Flo. I'm glad you all had such a good time.
