
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday Wonders #4

Featuring Lacrosse

My turn! We keep going to the bookshelf for our inspiration. All those stunning covers from which to choose. When I came across this one I just had to pose for it. It's called In the Fifth at Malory Towers by Enid Blyton.

Okay, I've modernized is a bit, but not too bad, right?

Xyra found this series when she was in England. She thinks she got the first two or three on her first trip "across the pond" while in high school. The covers are white. She picked up this one on her second trip while in college. We are missing books 4 and 6. (sighs)

The stories are really good and are probably why we didn't have any trouble diving into the boarding school side of Harry Potter. The books follow Darrell Rivers and her friends through their time at Malory Towers school. Like Hogwarts, there are four houses. The houses aren't named after founders but compass points of each tower dormitory location: North, South, East, West. Darrell is in North.


"Darrell and her friends move up into the Fifth Form and life at Malory Towers becomes more exciting than ever. Darrell is made captain of games and her form is asked to put on the Christmas entertainment. It is a wonderful challenge to such a gifted bunch of girls, but also, as Darrell finds, Real Hard Work."

An added bonus...Darrell's sister starts her first term in this one. One of the other girls has a sister starting too.


  • There are six books in the Malory Towers series: First Term, Second Form, Third Year, Upper Fourth, In the Fifth, and Last Term.
  • The series was originally published from 1946 - 1951.
  • As Melody said above, we are missing book 4 and 6. I've looked at Amazon and other sites, but can't seem to find the Armada editions from the late 80s and early 90s. 
  • The characters are very interesting and remind me a lot of the TV series The Facts of Life and the girls of Eastland. You have the well off girls and the scholarship girls, athletes and models, generous and selfish.
  • There are two covers featuring lacrosse, but In the Fifth was most prominent.
  • If you want to learn more about the Malory Tower series or Enid Blyton and her other books, you can use the following links.

Do you think you could go to boarding school? What would be your favorite part? Least favorite?

Best wishes,


  1. This sounds like an interesting series! And such cute pictures <3

    Ellie | The Dolls of 221B

    1. It really is a good series.

      Thanks! I had fun taking these photos.

  2. You did a great job replicating the book cover! This sounds like a really good series! I am always looking for good books for my daughter to read. I will be looking into getting these books. Thank you so much! :)

    ginnie /

    1. It is a fun series. Wish it were easier to find in the US, but we haven't finished looking yet. :)
