
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Running Slightly Behind

We're Late

The Month is Half Over

Well, almost. Tomorrow marks the halfway point in April. And really, we finished this on Tuesday, but couldn't get it posted. Oh well.

The April Lego calendar reveal!

This is a really fun monthly project in creativity. Last month we used all green because of St. Patrick's Day, but we also used a lot of yellow and white because we were still getting some snow while the daffodils were pushing through to mark the start of spring. 

This month we used blues to represent all the April showers we've been having. We moved the rainbow to the top - a lot have been spotted this month.

The blue dots on the rooftops and in the yard are raindrops and puddles. 
The red flowers and the pink one on the far right are tulips. 

These lavender flowers are mountain pinks.
The parrots are stepping in as song birds.

A hedgehog is bathing in a puddle while kitty and the hamsters are watching from a cozy perch inside. (Don't try this in real life - Lego animals make up a peaceable kingdom, but outside that realm kitty would hunt the hamsters.)

We've added two bunny families. 

What do you think? Any ideas for May? We're thinking about a floral theme to finish the saying, "April showers bring May flowers."

So glad you stopped. Come again soon!


  1. That is such a unique and creative idea!! I love Legos! I followed over from my blog. :)

    ginnie /

    1. Hi, Ginnie!
      Thank you for stopping by and thank you for the praise. :) The calendar set is no longer available, but I bet you and your crew could create a version. :)
      Stop again.
      ~Xyra et al!
