
Monday, April 11, 2016

Lea's Gift Review Plus

Three-Toed Sloth Love

Hi! Last Monday was my birthday and I received a great present! A stuffed sloth. Soooo cute!
Today I want to give you a closer look. His fur is thick and fluffy! And his face...the embroidery is just adorable!
You can't see it very well, but his front and back feet have velcro on them so he can hang on to a pole or my arm.
His tag is really long, but I've seen worse. All the production materials and care instructions are on there.
Here he's hanging on to my wrist. I'm trying to be careful with the upper paws so the velcro doesn't snag my sweater.
See how I did that? Only his rear feet are connected around my wrist. The forepaws are holding on to each other. Pretty sneaky, right?
He's just so sweet. I haven't named him quite yet. Still thinking about what fits the both of us.

Do you have a favorite stuffed animal?


Now for a few photos with my sloth.

What's your favorite photo?


Let me tell you a bit about my outfit. 

Sweater: OG Beyond Cozy 
Tee Shirt: AG retired
Shoes: The Queen's Treasures designer flats
Bracelet: Michael's turtles in grey (classy)
Barrette: Rebecca's Meet Outfit (AG retired)

Ps. Grace wants me to tell you that we did get snow on Saturday. It was all gone Sunday morning at our house, but we saw some still on the ground on our way to Church.

Tchau! Ate mais tarde.

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, Our Generation, The Queen's Treasures or Amy Sheppard. All items mentioned were purchased for our collection. Reviews or details are unsolicited and comprised of our own words and thoughts. All links are provided for informative purposes; no purchase is required or suggested.


  1. The sloth is so cute, I'm glad to see you got him in time for your birthday! I like the last photo with him, he looks like he's snuggling with you. :)

    1. Thank you! He's so easy to snuggle - so squishy! Not as squishy as Lanie's Orangutan; my sloth has more stuffing. :-D

  2. Ohmygoodness! That little sloth guy is beyond cute! I have been pondering and pondering whether we will be purchasing Lea Clark this year. It has been quite the dilemma. We usually only purchase one doll per year, but we have also had our eye on Maryellen. I keep reminding myself that Lea is only here for one year! Dilemma! LOL! Oh well, that little sloth might have to come and live with us anyway though. hee hee! <3

    ginnie /

    1. He is adorable and super popular. Not sure what his backorder date is right now. One of our friends has to wait until the end of June for hers to arrive. Jump on the list if he is on your must have list.

      I hemmed and hawed about getting Grace in 2015, I am really glad I got her, but regret not getting more of her outfits. That's why I jumped early for Lea. I have the rest of the year to get a few outfits. :)
