
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Review: OG Polka Dot Camping Set

Need Camping Gear?

Polka Dot Camping Set

Target currently has Our Generation products on sale. I was thinking about Camp Doll Diaries when I was there so I caved when I spotted the Polka Dot Camping Set hanging there. It's normally $16.99, but was marked down to $14.99. 
The back tells you what is included..."functional lantern" sold me! Plus I'd add another roasting stick to our collection.


Everything is sewn into place.
This set comes with assembly instructions for the tent.
This is the sleeping bag. It's pretty with the brown floral design on the outside and lined with pink polka dots. The material inside and out is the same - a heavy nylon, like a backpack.
This is not an all season sleeping bag; unless the material is supposed to be similar to emergency blankets that reflect body heat. The poles and connectors for the tent are stored inside the sleeping bag.

Here is the folded tent, poles, and connectors. The tent is also a heavy nylon, but lighter than the sleeping bag. It's sturdy and reminds me of a real tent.
The additional items are kept snug in plastic. I really like the lantern. You know we'll use the coffee pot for making tea water.
I take it back, I LOVE the lantern. Look how bright it is.


The tent popped easily and very realistically. The sleeping bag fits inside with lots of space for gear or a friend.

It doesn't take up a lot of space. Like your basic camping tents not the super mansion style ones.

I'm not thrilled with the door. All sorts of bugs and wildlife and weather are getting inside with that gap.
Everything collapses and packs up quickly. If you were planning a vacation and wanted to take this with you, the whole set takes up less space than a loaf of bread.


Kirsten, Haley, both
Check out this awesome tent!
I can have my own room at Coolspring.
Your own room? Who said you were going this time?
I just kind of figured it was my turn.
Could be mine.
You're right.
Looks like a lot of room in there. I'm going in.
Cool! I fit!
Nice! And there is still more room. I wonder...
Yep, we both fit!
Sadly, only one of us can go to Coolspring.
Who do you think it will be?

Side Notes

  • The tent material is very close to a real tent - however, being sewn into the package left holes in the tent sides. As mentioned above, there is no cover to the windows or door, so don't use this for real camping or outside in the rain.
  • The battery information for the lantern is not on the assembly instructions insert. It only appears on the back of the box. Be sure to cut that off before recycling the packaging.
  • I'm really happy I picked up this set. It has a lot of potential especially with Camp Doll Diaries underway.

So back to the question at hand...who do you think will be going to Coolspring Power Museum next week? Kirsten or Haley?

Best wishes,

Note:  Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl or Our Generation. The set was purchased for our collection. The above review is unsolicted and comprised of our honest observations and opinions. All links are provided for educational and informative purposes only. No purchase is required or suggested.


  1. I bought this but haven't unboxed it yet. Sadly, it has the same construction as the older Battat tents so I know that cross piece is gonna break. I have like four older tents in that condition. I need to find something to replace the "poles" with.

    1. Very interesting about the cross piece. I'll watch for cracks and such. Yeah, replacing the poles could be interesting. However, they reminded me of the wand of one of our cat toys, so...

  2. Cute! I have the MyLifeAs camping set and the lantern drives me crazy, it is only on as long as you push the button in. Not very practical.

    Melody has been to Coolspring before, so I'm guessing Haley? I can't wait to see you there!

    1. A bit of electrical tape would take care of that. I agree - having to push the button would drive me crazy.

      Melody went first. Trying to get everyone there before repeats. Thankfully we go twice a year. :) I know! I'm looking forward to seeing you too.

  3. That's a great review! I really like the camping set a lot!

    1. Thank you. I'm thinking you could create an even better one with your mad skills. :-D

  4. I have this set and think it is a good buy!

  5. Thank you for the review! Even with the new american girl tent going on sale for $68 you still can't beat $14.99 with a very cute lantern. I really want to get a tent especially since right now would be a great time to for Camp Doll Diaries.

    1. You're welcome.:-D
      I know, right! The AG tent is $68 on sale. You can get 4 or 5 of the OG sets for the AG price and have a really cute little campground in your backyard or living room.

  6. The tent has been put up and taken down a couple of times. Each time I put it away I've noticed the poles retain a slight curve. This may become permanent if you leave the tent up for a long time. Won't hurt anything, just making an observation.

  7. Thanks for the tip on the battery! Brianna just got this as an end of the school year gift. Jen @ Dollsbetweenus
