
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Tea Review: Lemon Chiffon Cup

Thirsty Thursday #2

The Republic of Tea

Lemon Chiffon Cuppa Cake Herbal

Hello! It's a lovely sunny day here and I thought it would be perfect to try a new tea from The Republic of Tea. We get their catalog and in each one they surprise us with a sample tea bag. Just like this one. 
The sample tea bag comes in a foil packet attached to an information card.
The Lemon Chiffon Cuppa Cake herbal tea is from their line of Cuppa Cake dessert teas. When you take the tea bag off the card you can see the steeping instructions. 
The Republic of Tea bags are unbleached, round, and tagless.
This blend smells wonderful! Really like a lemon cake.
I've put the bag in our little glass pot, poured over the water, and set the timer for 5 minutes. For herbals the suggested steeping time is 5 - 7 minutes. 
According to the description, this herbal blend contains green rooibos, apple, lemongrass, and natural lemon, vanilla, and coconut flavors. It is naturally caffeine free.
(timer beeping)
Yay! It's done steeping. Look at the sunny yellow color!
It smells even better now!
Since it's just me I'm using the big cup. (giggles) You can see the color better now.
First sip...plain...
Hmmm, it's quite tasty, but not quite as tasty as it smells. I wonder...I know it is supposed to be unsweetened, but if I add a little bit of sugar...
Oh, yes! Much better with a touch of white sugar. I only added a pinch.
[Approximately 1/16 teaspoon of sugar was added to Lanie's cup.]
I have my cuppa and Xyra is taking the rest with her to work.

Xyra's Notes

  • If you like lemon cake, this tea smells heavenly! The aroma is very close to a lemon chiffon cake as described on The Republic of Tea website.
  • My nose and tastebuds did not agree with the overall sensation after I took a sip and replaced the cup on the saucer. The aftertaste is very gentle and pleasing, just not what I expected.
  • Yes, I added a few calories to this cup. The white sugar brought the aftertaste much closer to the aroma.
  • If you decide to try this tea, take a sip plain first. You may have a completely different experience. If you need to sweeten it, I suggest sticking with white sugar since raw sugar and honey may add flavors that do not mingle happily with the herbs.

Have you ever had a dessert tea? If yes, what kind? If no, do you think you'd try one?

See you again soon!

Note:  Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl or The Republic of Tea. The tea reviewed was a free sample in a recent catalog. The review is unsolicited and comprised or our honest thoughts and opinions. Links provided are for educational and informative purposes; no purchase is required or suggested.



  1. This sounds lovely. I can imagine that the pinch of sugar did help... even when it's not sour, there's something about the flavor of lemon that really wants a touch of sweetness, I think. You know, I bet this tea would be delicious with a blueberry scone!


    1. Oh, yes. Would be wonderful with a blueberry scone. :)
