
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tea for Tuesday

Two Teas in Fact

PG Tips

Another Way

Hi! I missed the initial review of PG Tips tea, so I had to stop by and mention how I fix this blend. You know, what I add to make it really good. 
My sisters forgot about honey. I love adding radish honey and milk to this tea. You get a completely different flavor. 

Sugar and agave just make the tea sweet, but the radish honey...adds an earthy, floral note that blends well with the milk and tea for a more satisfying sip. 
One that makes you take a deep breath and think, "Yum."

Speaking of Sips

Fashionista Tea Vote

Since we had four of the blends mentioned, we decided to count each as a vote. 
I'm putting each vote in this cup.
Shake it up and pull one...
And the winner is...hmmm, you'll have to come back again to see. (giggling)

So glad you stopped. Come again soon!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, PG TIps, Fashionista Tea, or the Bee Folks. All links provided are for educational and informative purposes; no purchase is required or suggested.



  1. I love your tea reviews :) I'll have to try the radish honey in my next cup of tea ;)

    1. Thank you. Glad to hear you enjoy the tea reviews.

      The radish honey doesn't taste at all like the vegetable. Otherwise we might be overrun with Fraggles and Doozers. ;-)
