
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Goschenhoppen 2014 Part 5

Lanie's Story Continues

Lanie, Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Melody, 2 or more, Xyra


So, did you go visit the animals?
Yes! One of the girls there asked about you.
I told her you said, "Hi."
Thank you.
This one didn't come out too well, but I first saw the cow. 
How now, Brown Cow? (giggles)
She was really pretty, but didn't want to be still for a photo.
What did  you learn about the animals?
Ah, well, a lot of people had a cow and maybe a bull. The cattle offered ways to earn money. They'd make butter and cheese from the milk and send it with the market man. The money earned would buy provisions during winter. 
That's neat.
The sheep were sheared. Their wool was made into thread and yarn.
Weaving into fabric for clothes or blankets.
Yes, all of those. The wool could be used for the family or sold.
Those sheep look like they are talking to each other.
I wonder what they are saying?
Probably, "Who is that trying to get into our house?"
Or "I hope she doesn't steal our fleece."
Geese and chickens and ducks and other fowl would lay eggs. The eggs could be sold for extra money.
Geese look very important.


The animals are on the 19th century side of the Folk Festival grounds. There are lots of interesting demonstrations there.
Like what?
The wheelwright is there and threshing and cigar rolling and broom making.
Any pictures?
No, had to leave something for next year.
Actually, there were a lot of people around those demonstrations already and I didn't want to interrupt.
Good idea.
But I did get pictures at the leather worker.
Wow! Cool! Look at all the neat goodies!
Almost everything was for sale too! I hope they sold out.
Are those mugs?
Yes, they are stitched together and the seams sealed with birch pitch.
I love the pouches.
And the books. Cool!

Come back again to hear more of Lanie's adventure at the 48th Annual Goschenhoppen Folk Festival. Feel free to leave comments and questions.

Best wishes,



  1. The picture of the sheep made me giggle. Did you say the mugs were made of leather??? Cool!

    1. Yes, they are.

      These were popular in the 1700s and earlier. A lot of people use them at Renaissance Faires too.
