
Friday, August 15, 2014

Goschenhoppen 2014 Part 6

Lanie's Story Continues

Lanie, Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Melody, 2 or more, Xyra

19th Century Foods

Did you see any 19th century food demonstrations?
Just a couple.
Which ones?
Well, first was sauerkraut.
The girl was shredding the cabbage - you can see it in the bowl on the right - and went to get me and another woman samples of the finished product.
Did she say how to make it?
Yes. After the cabbage is shredded it is sprinkled with salt. Then the mixture is put into a crock or jar. They press it down with a wooden spoon and add some water. Then the crock or jar is sealed and let sit for 2 - 3 weeks.
Wow! Two weeks!
So the sample wasn't made at the festival.
I didn't ask, but I would guess it was prepared ahead of time.
Did you like it?
Of course.
How did it taste?
Like the sauerkraut we have at New Years.
What else did you see?
Over here they were drying foods for winter storage.
What did they dry?
A lot of things! You can see she is preparing peaches.
This is dried corn.
And there are apples in the drier.
Why did they dry foods?
Unlike us, they could only get fresh food if it was in season. So they would plant and gather as much as possible. Some would be cooked and served fresh, but the rest was either canned, dried, or pickled for use during the winter when nothing was growing.
That's neat.

Bake Sale

On the way back to the 18th century side of the road, I had to visit the bake sale.
What did they have for sale?
These are Shoo Fly Pies. 
Behind me are Funny Cakes and Lemon Sponge. On the side are loaves of white and rye bread.
Sounds lovely.
And you can't see them but across from the bread are the sticky and crumb buns.
All was sold out at the end of the day!
That's good.
Yes it is.

The next post will be the grand finale for this year's Goschenhoppen Folk Festival report. Feel free to leave questions or comments below.

Best wishes,
