
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Goschenhoppen 2014 Part 4

Lanie's Story Continues

Lanie, Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Melody, 2 or more, Xyra

The Antes House

What happened next?
Next? We went to the Antes House.
What's at the house?
Well, Nana Kestrel works in the kitchen. We wanted to say hello to her.
Ohhh. Cool. Nice.
I posed in Melody's window.
My window?
Remember the one you sat in last year?
Oh, yeah!

My dress matches the window trim. (giggles)
Good thing your bonnet has the blue ribbon or you'd be lost. (giggles)
Then we went to say hello and...
We slipped upstairs to the second floor to get some pictures of the garden.
I did that too!
[We did have permission to go upstairs. The spiral stairs are quite narrow.]
(giggling) It's fun, but a view only certain people can see. 
That little house thing in front of the garden fence...
What is it?
That's the bake oven. Food that can't be prepared over the hearth fire go there.
We passed this fireplace on our way to peek out the window on the other side of the house. It is above the kitchen hearth stove. I'm pretty sure they share the same chimney.
Out this window you can see the flag, fritter ladies, encampment, and if you look really hard...butter!
When we went back downstairs, we got to taste the fresh rye bread baked in the bake oven.
How was it?
Yummy, but needed some butter. (giggles)
Oh, or apple butter.
YES! That would have been awesome!
Try to remember that for next year.
It's a neat house.
And important historically too.
Yeah, General Washington headquartered there in September 1777.
That's neat.
It is listed as the Fagleysville (or sometimes Pottsgrove) Encampment in books about the Revolutionary War.

Come back again to see more of the 48th Annual Goschenhoppen Folk Festival. Feel free to ask questions and leave comments below.

Xyra note: There are programs throughout the year at the Antes House. The first floor is open to the public for tours. The upstairs is not. To learn more about the Antes House click any of the links then hover your cursor over Antes Plantation to see the drop down menu.

Best wishes,



  1. Once again a great post! Do you think when your done posting about what happened at the festival, you could post crafts and recipes from the festival or the era or theme of the festival?

    1. I'm glad you are enjoying this series. It gets difficult to stay with the festival theme because so many good things are happening. I'll see what I can do about working a festival era themed post into the rotation.

      There is a series from last year's festival in the August 2013 archive list. A couple recipes there. There will definitely be at least one recipe this I promised last year and then couldn't get the details correct.

    2. Thanks! I'll go check it out
