
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Goschenhoppen 2014 Part 3

Lanie's Story Continues

Lanie, Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Melody, 2 or more, Xyra

18th Century Needlework, Textiles, Soap

Where did you go after the organ maker?
We made our way past the bee keeper...
I remember them from last year.
Over to the needlework and textile area.
Here the women were weaving tape.
Yes, a woven type of ribbon. There is a thick one behind me and a thin one in the other end of the loom. The kind lady there said I should have one of those around my bonnet.
She's right.
Yeah, I know, but they had different bonnets too. 
I have more on those in a bit.
Then we chatted with the lace maker. She was displaying several types and widths of lace. All handmade.
Wow! Cool! Nice!
Not only does she make lace but she also designs all sorts of clothes.
[The lace maker is a doll collector. She creates clothes for all sizes of dolls.]
Then we met the wonderful woman who gave me the kerchief.  She was setting up her demonstration when we stopped by.
Very nice.
We got to meet her grandchildren when they arrived. So very cute. Their dolls will have fabulous wardrobes.
Yes, they will.
[Thank you, again, for the kerchief. It's just perfect.]
After that I wanted to check out the straw hats. The women here were plaiting the straw into long sections that would get sewn together to make a bonnet.
Plaiting straw?
Not the plastic kind, but like our bonnet. The plaits can be narrow with only 4 strands or wide with 9.
Then the plaits are cranked through rollers to be flattened before being sewn into a hat.
This hat was almost done. When finished, a woven tape would be added around the top with two long pieces on either side for tying under the chin.
The kind lady let me take a picture with it.
These ladies are spinning wool into thread.
And for cleaning we found the soap makers.
That's soap?
Yes, these little bricks are bars of homemade soap and they were used for all sorts of cleaning.

[Note: The 18th Century covers the 1700s - think Kaya and Felicity.]

Come back again to see more of the Goschenhoppen Folk Festival. Please leave questions and comments below. 

Best wishes,



  1. So awesome, I love handmade soap. Could you tell more about the ladies who were spinning wool into yarn? Also, I think the straw hats were so cool. Did you see the lace ladies making lace?

    1. Let's see. There were actually 3 spinning. One was carding the wool, one was spinning to make the yarn, and I think the third was knitting.

      She was using the needles on the table to make the lace. She and her partner were working on projects they started way before festival. It is a long process.
