
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Two Really Awesome Giveaways

Blogs You Should Check Out and
Giveaways You Should Enter

The other day we mentioned the Doll Diaries Giveaway...and we hope you have entered. Today there are two more giveaways well worth your while to enter. There are two different blogs - we will list them alphabetically. Be sure to read to the end and visit both.

AG GIRL by TL and the Dolls

TL and the Dolls are giving away a three piece pink and brown polka dot outfit. It's adorable and includes pants, top, and hat. 
This picture is only one of many. To see it modeled check out AG Girl. Then enter to win; your doll can be in focus with the latest polka dot fashion trend (though polka dots are classic).

Fun with AG Fan! by Amaya

Summer isn't over yet! Swimming continues until the pool is closed for the winter (if it closes at all). Amaya along with Chic Doll Boutique and Release Rain will have you at the pool in style. They are giving away a swimsuit with matching sandals and headband.
To see more great images of this prize head over the Fun with AG Fan and enter the giveaway.

Best wishes to all who enter!

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