
Monday, September 2, 2013

Kaya at City of Bones

Movies are Cool!

Yesterday I got to see The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones with Xyra, Lady Vanyer, and Lady Webby.

We headed out to Collegeville and the Movie Tavern.
I couldn't even be in this shot the marquee is so huge! And they don't have any currently showing posters. What a bummer. We found this one online.
It is a PG-13 movie, so not for everyone. (Lots of action and fighting; a little bit of kissing.) 

We arrived first so we went into the waiting area. I checked out the menu.
They have some really great things to choose from. If you really love the food, you can come here to eat without seeing a movie.

Then I read the July/August issue of Doll Mag while Xyra responded to a text. (Download/printable version here.)

Lady Vanyer arrived next and we got in line. We waved to Lady Webby so she could join us. Soon they let us enter. Our movie was showing in one of the smaller theaters, but we still got good seats.

Chris took our order. I watched the trivia and other stuff while the others chatted. Lady Webby brought everyone a really cute little doll magnet. 
This is Twinkle (in pink) the Kamibashi String Doll Gang magnet.  She's adorable. Her tagline, "Twinkle sprinkles enchantment throughout your life." Lady Vanyer received Purl

Shortly after, our orders came. I got a popcorn with real butter and water. Very good!
We sat through 5 movie previews before ours started. Some were not appropriate for all of us in the audience.

There were a few parts in the movie that made me cringe, but nothing happened that Xyra covered my eyes. Jace was super cute...very intense. I liked him a lot. That trick he did with the portal was hilarious! We really liked the movie. It was a great Sunday afternoon.

Best wishes!

From Xyra: The movie was really good. It is heavy in the action as the premise of the story is a hidden society of Shadowhunters live among humans defeating/killing demons who try to infiltrate. There is an ego-maniacal villain who shows up near the end. His horrible henchmen show up earlier trying to find a hidden object. They are not nice at all. Intrigue and betrayal. Secrets and revelations. Romance and unrequited love. 


  1. Replies
    1. A good movie and a better book series. I do think we will get the DVD when it is released.
      Thank you for stopping by.
