
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Desperation Scones Part 1

Desperation Scones

In the earlier post on Emergency Baking we mentioned Desperation Scones. Well, there really are two kinds. Today we look at the first. If you don’t have time to bake and don’t have a mix, you can run to a bakery or the bakery section of a grocery store. This is what we found.

Key: Xyra,  Kirsten, Melody, Kaya, Lanie

These look good. What flavor do we have?
Blueberry and cranberry orange.
Why are they called desperation scones again?
There are a couple of reasons. They are too big.
But can’t you make them as big or small as you want?
Yes, good point. Then there is the added sugar.
But we added sugar the other day when we made from the mix.
Also true, but that was because it was part of the mix instructions. Most scones are not sprinkled with sparkle sugar. 
Finally, the icing. Completely unnecessary. Otherwise the texture seems to be right on these.
They used real fruit in both. Yummy too!
 You bet! These are really good.
What tea should we have with the scones?
Oh, let’s do the Phoenix Mountain from Teavana.

Wait…let’s choose a Numi Bouquet Tea. We have time today and haven’t brewed that in a long time.
Sounds like a plan. I'll get the pot.
I’ll grab the tea.

Xyra, please turn the kettle on.
You got it!
So which one do you want to try?
Oh, let’s do this one. Looks like a mini pine cone.
I'll put the others back in the box.
Okay. Put it in the pot. Here comes the water. Watch it closely.

 Oooo, look at it bloom.
What kind did we pick?
It’s a black tea called Black Beauty (no longer available). The little paper says, “Black Beauty’s finest golden tipped black tea leaves unravel, lifting up like the spires of a cathedral…”
I’ll say!
Kaya! Lanie! come check this out!

(chuckles) “Its amber liquor* releases a bold deep flavor and rose scent.”
Neat! Kind of reminds me of a sea anemone.

Looks awesome.

Tastes great too.

This is what the tea looks like after steeping and drying. the packet notes we could steep this 2 - 3 times.

* In this instance the description is using an alternate definition of the term liquor; one that means "a liquid substance, as broth, produced in cooking or steeping."



  1. Who is xyra? You? By the way, you have a great blog! I love it! I have read almost every post in all the other blogs I know, but yours has sooo many, I am able to enjoy your blog all the time!

    1. :-D
      Melody is the doll. I, Xyra, am the human. Thank you very much. I appreciate you stopping by and reading the posts. I'm not very crafty, so I try to be inventive in other ways.
      Thank you again.
