Disney 100 Part 2
Same Exhibit; Same Place, Different Attendee
Woo hoo! Pen here. I got to go to the Franklin Institute with Xyra, and Ladies Vanyer and Webby! Awesome Sauce!!
It was a gorgeous April Sunday afternoon! I'm sorry it took so long to get this posted.
We entered through the front door, right into Ben's area!
Then it was on to the welcome from Mickey and Walt!
One of my favorite sections was the Where do the Stories Come From area that included an interactive table with sources of inspiration as well as props.
Check out Cruella's red dress!
I love this ship in a bottle.
Moana panels!
Check out Starlord's helmet!
There was a great interactive display where you could hear the songs from your favorite Disney movies in different languages. Here is Moana in Bulgarian.
Mickey rules!
Ooo! Guardians of the Galaxy...the mix tape...soundtrack cover.
Off to the second section of the exhibit.
The beginnings - this is a photo of the camera they used to make the animation.
Another interactive table that goes through the movies and tells you which animation techniques were used. The one on Sleeping Beauty and Lilo & Stitch were really cool.
Yes, I know Melody posted a shot with the Small World girl, but I think my photo is better. (giggles)
Here's the Hocus Pocus, I mean, Sanderson sisters' spellbook.
More Guardians! Can you tell I'm a fan? (giggles)
This is neat! Wendy's acorn necklace.
Well, that was it for Disney, but not the end of our day. We took a peek at the Pendulum staircase.
And through the energy room.
Aren't Tesla coils cool?
We had lunch at the Kite and Key.
Flowers and fountain for the finale.
Do you have a favorite photo from my trip? Please let me know in the comments.
Thank you for stopping by! Hope you come back again soon!