
Monday, March 30, 2020

Model Monday: Lea 5

Trending Turquoise

It was lovely, but still chilly so I grabbed a sweater for over the cap-sleeved top. Turns out it matched perfectly.

The Shoot

What's your favorite pose?

The Details

  • Sweater & Necklace: Handmade by Lady Vanyer
  • Top, leggings, and headband: handmade by Granny T (from craft fair)
    If you look closely at the top, those spots are really cats. So cute!
  • Boots: Grace's Meet Outfit (AG retired)

How are you handling physical distancing? Have you found interesting ways to hangout with your friends without being in the same place?


Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl or Granny T. Lady vanyer is a dear friend so... Anyway, all items featured were either gifted to or bought with our own money for our collection.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thread Thursday #1

New Post Theme, Sort Of

What's Thread Thursday? Well, it's Model Monday but on Thursday. (giggles) Hey, during these crazy times you get creative! Speaking of getting creative, what are you doing while waiting patiently at home?

Cool Cute Peni

We had a gorgeous day and everyone wanted to get some sun, but it wasn't quite warm enough to go without a jacket. Check out my photo shoot!

What do you think? So what is your favorite type of outfit? Casual, formal, girly, sporty, boho, edgy, etc.?

See you later!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Story Behind Penel

Best Laid Plans

Well, talk about a monkey wrench being thrown in the works. I thought we had a great plan for posting and then last week the photos didn't come through for the Taste of Britain post. Ugh! Well, I hope I have that fixed now. I checked on the PC and my phone. so far all looks good. But now I notice some issues with our signatures. I may have to redo those. Not looking forward to that. Oh, well. One day at a time. Now to the real post.

The Story of Penel

The newest member of the Silverleaf family is Penelope Blaire Silverleaf. She is to represent my other favorite aunt. Lanie is my dad's sister-in-law. Peni is my mom's (Gramma Enne's) younger sister. 

Peni is American Girl of the year 2019 Blaire Wilson. I thought she was lovely from the release photos, but her eye color was wrong. My Peni had blue eyes like her mom, Grace. Yep, no coincidence I also have a Grace in my collection. 💗 Then near Christmas someone mentioned she thought she would make a good Peni (or Penel as Gramma Enne called her). And weighing all things adding Blaire and renaming her slightly was more economical than a create your own.

If you check out Penel's Friday Factoids most of those choices are based on my aunt. She had a great smile and laugh. She was super talented and fun to be with. Mom and I miss her a lot. So I dug through some photos and found these of Gramma Enne and Penel with their dolls.

And this one of Grace with Gramma Enne and Penel.
Here is the Silverleaf version with Melody (aka mini Xyra).

If you're wondering, yes there is at least one create your own looming in the future. As we need to have Gramma Enne represented too.

This week, Blaire will truly become Peni. The waterfall braid has to come out and I know I will never get it back. I'm okay with that; She's Peni anyway.

Hoping everyone is staying safe in the latest crisis. Think of you first. Catch up on blog reading and commenting. Maybe think of some great new posts. 

Warmest wishes,

Monday, March 9, 2020

Celebrate with Afternoon Tea

Birthdays are Fun!

Let's Head to Britain

Way back in January Ladies Vanyer and Webby made reservations at Taste of Britain to celebrate our milestone birthdays. Mine and Xyra's, you know. 
The place was relatively easy to find but didn't look like what we expected. It was a cute place! They had the monthly specials on the a table card. Lady Vanyer had the scone of the month and enjoyed it. We passed because it featured coconut.
We all ordered the full tea.

Of course, Lady Webby brought party favors so our server knew for certain this was a celebration.
So when our tiered tray was properly dressed too. Gotta love that candle!
Sandwiches on the bottom, scones in the middle, and sweets on top.
Let's see the sandwiches were...turkey with cranberry butter, chicken salad, vegetable cream cheese spread, and a spicy...not too spicy...cheddar spread. You know, kind of like port wine cheese, but not that.
We each chose a different scone. Raisin was our favorite, but when (giggles) we go back I want to try the chocolate chip scone.
The desserts were the best! I called dibs on a lemon square. 
But you know I tried them all. (giggles)
While my tea cup was a bit large, but the Scottish afternoon blend was very tasty.

After we were finished we shopped the shop. We took home some lemon curd and a few other trifles. (giggles) Oh, we picked up some mini mince pies—like the ones Ron offers Harry—but the shortbread crust was too thick and crumbly. 

What a great birthday adventure?! Have you ever visited someplace new for a celebration? Was it great?

Best wishes,


Sunday, March 8, 2020

Plan, Plan, Plan

What's Happening?

Hi, Melody here! I thought I'd pop in with an update on this week's events.
And to show off the great new additions to our house. I LOVE this new chair. It's super cool and comfy too. Even though it may not look it.
We also found an awesome desk. We're all looking forward to adding important things to it. I love that it's a roll top, just like the one in Kit's story. 
So here's the scoop for this week. I have two posts under construction besides this one. The plan is to have one ready for Tuesday and the other for Thursday or Friday. 

Oh, yeah! I have to show you the back of my new denim jacket. I should say our new denim jacket; you know we share. Aren't the flowers great?! 
Hahaha! Didn't take long for Rascal to join me.
Anyway, that's the plan; and one of us will stop in to let you know what's going on each week. We have quite a few teas to share with you and we're looking forward to that too. 

Here is another look at our new desk and chair.
See you later. 

Best wishes,

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl. The furniture items featured in this post were found at an indoor flea market and the jacket from the American Girl store in Tyson's Corner. All were purchased specifically for our collection.