
Monday, March 30, 2020

Model Monday: Lea 5

Trending Turquoise

It was lovely, but still chilly so I grabbed a sweater for over the cap-sleeved top. Turns out it matched perfectly.

The Shoot

What's your favorite pose?

The Details

  • Sweater & Necklace: Handmade by Lady Vanyer
  • Top, leggings, and headband: handmade by Granny T (from craft fair)
    If you look closely at the top, those spots are really cats. So cute!
  • Boots: Grace's Meet Outfit (AG retired)

How are you handling physical distancing? Have you found interesting ways to hangout with your friends without being in the same place?


Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl or Granny T. Lady vanyer is a dear friend so... Anyway, all items featured were either gifted to or bought with our own money for our collection.


  1. Dear Xyra, hello. I like the first photo. It looks like Lea has just come out of the house and might want to walk around the block to get some fresh air.

    I am planning all kinds of "when this is over" celebrations in my head. Some of them are tea parties, of course (chuckle).

    1. Yes, lots of celebrations when we are able to gather again! Stay safe!

  2. Lea looks so good! The cat top is adorable and it all matches so nicely. The fourth picture is my favourite.
    As for social distancing, I'm glad blogs still exist and that everyone is still posting! This would all be so much harder without technology.

    1. Thank you! That color looks lovely on her.

      Oh, I know what you mean! Having technology makes it easy to stay in touch with your friends while not in the same room.

  3. I love the outfit, very cute! I've been texting a lot, checking in on friends all over. And have Zoomed a few times, that works really well. I miss everyone though.

    1. Yes! Vanyer and Webby and I have used Duo a couple times. I've called Aunt Lanie and Gramma Enne and Nana Kestrel and Sister Stereo and a few others. Texting is wonderful too!
      Yes, definitely looking forward to seeing people in person again.
