
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Holiday Flashback with Lea

Who Loves Christmas?

I do! 

Who still has decorations up? We don't, but we know some people do leave their Christmas decorations up for a long time. It reminded me that I did not get to give you the tour of our church in December. So here we go!

Feel free to ask questions!

Tchau! Have a great day!


  1. Dear Lea, we still have up our Christmas tree. It's just a small one on a table. We will take it down soon. We like to watch the lights twinkling on it.

    Your church is very pretty with the decorations. My favorite photo is the one of you standing on the steps with the stain glass window behind. Hugs from Ms. Dorothy

    1. Yes, the lights are the best!

      Our stained glass windows are really pretty.

  2. We have someone in our neighborhood who actually leaves their tree up year around! We don't know them, so not sure if there is a story behind it, but always takes me by surprise to be driving past in the evening and see it all lit up through the window. It's not a small tree either.

    1. Neat! Maybe they decorate for all the different holidays. We have friends who have a tree up year round (not quite as visible as your neighbor's) and they change the decorations for each holiday. So for February all the ornaments are red or hearts. March will be green for St Patrick's Day, etc.
