
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Sweet New Friends

The Sweetest Place on Earth

A Great Place to Meet Friends

Hi! Grace here. If you're a long time follower you know we are located in Southeastern Pennsylvania. We're not too far east of the sweetest place on Earth aka Hershey PA. Yesterday was way too cold to go to the park; it's closed anyway, but not too cold to meet friends at the outlets.

First Stop AGO

Of course, our first stop was the American Girl Outlet. That was the meet point. Very easy to pinpoint.
Hi, I'm Grace!
Paula In PA!
Nice to meet you! 
You too!
Let's have some fun!
Sure thing!

So we headed to the recording studio and mixed up some great sounds.

Then we headed to the store to pick up some snacks.
Shall we have spam sandwiches?
I hear they are great! But I think mango or papaya would be better.
And pineapple!

We split up to do a bit of shopping.
I love this outfit. What are your thoughts?
It's comfy. The buttons are easy to use. 
Your outfit is cute.
Thank you. I like it. I think the top would look good with jeans and the skirt pairs nicely with a blouse or tee shirt.
I can see that.

We met back up to compare notes.
Did you find anything you liked?
Oh, yes! Ms. Dorothy is checking out now.
(giggles) Xyra is too.

Then it was off to Starbucks!
I had tea and lemon cake. Paula had hot chocolate.

We lost track of time. Too soon it was time for all of us to head home. 

Local Stop

Nonna, Xyra and I made one more stop. We finally got to try the new Steep Fines Teas & Cafe in East Greenville.
We had a lovely talk with the owner. She's very nice.
So many great teas to choose. We went with a black lychee. Very tasty.

The corgi butt cookies are adorable!

Had a great afternoon despite the overcast, cold weather. Good friends bring warmth!

À bientôt!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, American Girl Outlet, Madame Alexander, Starbucks, or Steep Fines Teas & Cafe. All photos were taken with permission. TTwMQ does not receive compensation should you decide to visit any of the places mentioned; we were just out for a fun day.


  1. Dear Grace, I had so much fun with you. I loved going to the Outlet and walking around. There was so much to see. My favorite part was the recording studio!

    Then our Mamas took us to Starbucks. That was a wonderful treat.

    I told my sisters all about the fun we had.

    Your friend, Paula in PA

    1. Hi, Paula! Yes, the recording studio was so much fun! Looking forward to visiting with you again!
