
Monday, July 1, 2019

In the Summertime

Chillin' on the Patio

Grace, Kaya, Lea, 2 or more

Hey, Lea!
Hey, what?
What are you up to?
Just chillin'.
You don't even have the radio on!
I know, but I'm listening to different music.
The wind in the trees, birds chirping or screeching, cars going by on the road, neighbors calling dogs, but especially the wind.
We were wondering if you want to come with us.
Yeah, we have the scooter.
Sounds like fun, but I think I want to stay here. 
Okay. Don't forget to re-apply!
Catch you later.
Ah, Bonbon, if you want to go with Grace you can. I won't mind.
Hey, Kaya!
Yeah, I smell it too.
Someone is grilling!
Smells yummy!
Mmmm, I smell bar-b-que.
Hey, Lea!
Yeah, I smell it too! Must be time for dinner!

Do you get to grill during the summer months? Do you grill all year long? 

We have no idea which neighbor was grilling, but it smelled yummy!

Best wishes,


  1. That's always one of my favorite smells!! We only grill in the summer months now that we no longer have a gas grill. We used to grill year round!

    1. We had a gas grill and one of the big storms upended it (even though it was on the porch) and damaged it. We have yet to replace it. We do have a charcoal grill, but it takes so long to get started... So I enjoy the smells wafting over from the neighbors' yards. One of these days we'll be grilling again.

    2. Come down and we can grill something LOL. I hardly ever use our grill (although I probably should start more with the kitchen all apart!) but when I do ... yum.

    3. Well, the weather hasn't been particularly cooperative for grilling, unless you have shelter from passing storms. :-) Otherwise a great idea for while the kitchen is apart!

  2. Awww! I love these pictures!!!! Must ask, though, where is the umbrella from? It's adorable and matches perfectly with your set-up. :)

    1. Thank you! The entire set was found at Home Goods. It included the chaise with cushion, table, and umbrella. the umbrella is really nice too! Metal, material, and a little plastic. I am so very happy I did not put this set back!

  3. We get to grill a lot. Hamburgers are my favorite thing to eat. For some reason I don't like hotdogs.

    1. That's cool! I'm partial to cheeseburgers. Hot dogs are good too, but I prefer Hebrew National brand; others have lost their appeal to me.

    2. Ah, yes, the addicting and delicious cheeseburgers. Yeah, I probably just haven't had good quality hot dogs.

    3. Hot dogs have to be done just right too. I cringe at "well" or (as I call them) burnt hot dogs. Blech. :-D

  4. Adorable photo-shoot! I love your new blog header, it's so sweet.
    ~Lu D.

    1. Thank you! I noticed Haley isn't represented though, so I should really redo it. <3
