
Friday, June 28, 2019

Summer and Shoes

Let's Go Outside

I thought eating lunch outside would be fun. It doesn't seem that hot.
Coco wanted to come too. She brought her bone. 
Did we forget anything? Nope.
Yummy sandwich. (Coco sniffing) Sorry, Coco not for you.
Yeah, I need more sunscreen. 
Maybe we should just go inside.

Too Hot; Let's Go Inside

Shoe Love

I love being barefoot, but I also like shoes. 
Last time I was organizing I realized we have some favorites from OG-Less; and in some cases the same style shoe in a different color.
These are our favorites. All but two have something in common; they are flats. Can you spot which are different?
How about the ones that are the same? Why would we buy the same pair in a different color? Because they fit well and look cute.
The navy and black pairs in the front row have bows. They are great neutral shoes.
The light purple and burgundy shoes in the second row have roses and make for a fun pop of color with a neutral outfit or complete the look if the color coordinates.

The cool thing about all of these shoes...they go nicely with shorts, skirts, cropped pants, pants, dresses. 
Do you have any duplicates in your wardrobe? How about favorite shoes?

Xyra's Notes

  • None of the above shoes were purchased alone. Each came with an Our Generation  (OG) outfit.
  • When we shop the OG outfits we look at the shoes. This style works best with AG feet. We've found the molded t-straps and boots rarely fit. Although you can slit the back of the molded boots.
  • The OG shoes sold separately are great! They tend to be fabric and much easier to wear. 

Do you have a favorite photo from the post? Feel free to ask questions too! We love to chat with you!

Best wishes,

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, Our Generation, or Battat. The items featured in the post were either purchased for or gifted to our collection. No purchase is suggested or required to enjoy the post.


  1. Dear Melody, hello. It is nice to eat outside but not when it is very hot so I think you were right to go inside.
    I like your shoe collection. I think that shoes with bows are very pretty.
    Regards, Ms. Dorothy

  2. Hi, Ms. Dorothy! Welcome back! I hope you had fun at the MA convention. Thank you. I think I like the ones with the bows best. They're comfy and go with so many outfits!
    ~ Melody

  3. Someone just posted on Facebook about their dolls having more shoes than they do! This is cute!

    1. That's priceless. I think the human and doll shoe collections in this house are almost equal! :-D :-O
