
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Lady Vanyer to the Rescue

Fixing a Pendant

Rabbit Necklace Redo

Hi! If you are a regular reader, you know that our friend, Lady Vanyer, has major skills when it comes to jewelry and knitting and anything crafty! Well, we had to ask her help! 
Back at Easter our basket held a really cute bunny necklace. After wearing it once, it wasn't all that cute. The necklace part was really picky or itchy! I mean it was just silver shoestring so we asked Lady Vanyer if she could help. Did she ever!
She had to cut the original string to get the bunny pendant off.

Then she restrung the necklace and gave it a nice closure. Check it out!
So pretty!
It's so much better now! I love it!
Thank you, Lady Vanyer! You're the best!

Have a great day!


  1. Great job, Lady Vanyer. It looks super. I have no clue how to bead but my daughter does. She use to make amazing necklaces. Need to get her to make some for mine. Love the beads.

  2. It looks great! Such a good fix.
