
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Coolspring June 2019 Day 4

Coolspring Power Museum

So sorry! I know I said I finish off my trip on Monday. (sighs) It was quite a Monday! We were updating our laptops and weeding and we got sucked into a fun Netflix movie called Murder Mystery and then POP had a Scorpion marathon. Next thing I knew Monday was over! So here it is Tuesday!

Saturday morning is the last day of the expo. This is my day to help out so I put on my coveralls. Coveralls are not a must, but I remember one of the guys wears them. we found these and they were perfect!
Restoration projects, like the Kahlenberg, take a long time.

If something goes kerfluey then parts have to be found or made and it's not an overnight thing.

This year was great for the Kahlenberg. It ran for many hours perfectly.

Windy City
After spending time with the Kahlenberg I headed over to the Windy City to take a closer look at the engines in there. 

I love that almost every engine has a write up to give you specifics and history.
Check out the reflection of the gas flares on the Flickenger placard.

Flight School
Franz and Xyra is good friends with the engineer who watches after The Windy City display. He always has fun ideas and says we can take photos whenever we want too, even behind the safety rope. He noticed a space camp patch on my coveralls and thought it would be fun if we could rig some astronaut training right there! I wasn't sure at first. I mean, you really shouldn't touch moving equipment and all that, but...we figured out how to use the Farrar and Trefts engine and pump.
This was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. nerves, you know.

My next stop on my museum walkabout was Nate Lillibridge Station.

Paul's Pavilion
Up at Paul's Pavilion I was stunned! This building didn't exist the last time I was here and now it's completely full and decorated!

Pat's Place
Another new building for me. I had fun looking at the different engines. You really have to be careful navigating through the moving engines!

Professor M's Jeep
Just outside Pat's Place was Professor M's jeep! Love it!

The Snow
Tris is such a cute puppy! She begged for some attention when we got to Exley Station and the Snow.

Coolspring isn't all engines. Wildlife can be spotted too. Saturday after everyone left we were told about a bird's nest with chicks in the wall of the Windy City. We believe these to be Kestrel chicks.

The information from this site seems to fit.
Then I found photos at this blog. Yep, baby kestrels.

Xyra's Note
With regards to flight school experiments. You know I would never put the girls in any harm. I had just picked up a pair of adjustable foam knee pads. The way the strap worked was perfect and I could put one behind her head with the strap around her chest the flat end at her waist. Then I put the other behind her bum, again flat end at her waist, with the strap around her knees. Then I could stretch the strap around the flywheel spoke or pipe and fasten the straps with the Velcro. Grace was cradled in the harness away from the spokes and pipe. 

So what do you think of my trip? Do you have a favorite photo or video or engine or...? You get the idea. Would love to see your comments.

À bientôt!


  1. What a day filled with adventures! It all looks like great fun, and you were very brave to try out the space things.

    1. Thank you! Yeah, I'm not always so adventurous, but the speed wasn't so bad. :-D
