
Monday, April 1, 2019

Road Trip-DC Part 1

Friends Hit the Road

Hi! Melody here! Earlier in March, Nonna asked if we were interested in a trip to DC and an AG Meet and Greet. OF COURSE!! I wanted to represent our entire crew so Xyra and I came up with a way to take our blog button and make a tee shirt. Our first try did not work out so well. I should have tested on the blue tee shirt and perfected on the lavender tank top. Oh well. Live and learn. Side note: if you're having trouble using your fabric markers on a tee shirt, use duct tape on the inside of the tee to keep the fabric still. This is how the final one turned out.
The six of us (Nonna, Notea, Xyra, Chrissa, Briar, and I) headed out early on Saturday morning. The drive down was fun. Turns out our first stop was the National Zoo!

Exploring the National Zoo

After a pit stop and browsing the gift shop we headed out to see the animals. The first was the cheetah. There were two in the habitat. This one was easiest to photo.
They had a lot of bamboo. Made for a great shady spot and nice back drop for photos.
This really cool vulture was in with dama gazelle and sitatunga.
Next we found the maned wolf
It didn't look like the wolf was there, but Xyra and I spotted it in its den.
If you look really closely at the den opening, behind the first rock not the far right rock but the one in the middle of the opening, you see a very faint line. Almost looks like a smudge. That's an ear! We saw it move taking in the sounds.

Then we found the Bison. I've always loved bison. Even more so since that was our camp cabin the one year.
The bison have been at the National Zoo since 1899. We figured out that Samantha Parkington could have seen this exhibit. (giggles) Not these exact same bison, but their ancestors.

The giant pandas are a big attraction right now. I love these animals. Two were sleeping near the upper caves. We spotted this one sitting in the tree.
Can't see it? Look at the trees above my fingers.

I went with Notea into the reptile house. It was really warm temperature, but very cool in other aspects. The alligators were posing. Not for pictures but waiting for something to land for a quick snack.
This one was resting.
Then we turned the corner and found a green crested basilisk. Much smaller than Harry's and this one has legs!
Do you see him? He's the bright green reptile by my shoulder. 
The black tailed prairie dogs were out and about. It was hard to get photos. They kept appearing and disappearing! (giggles)
Xyra and I got separated from Nonna and Notea for a little bit because we went up to the Tiger. And while we panicked for a little bit, we were really glad we did. The tiger was walking around and it talked. That was super cool. 
Then it went to the top of the hill to this patio to relax. the sun was at an angle where we couldn't see the screen all that well. Thought we caught the tiger resting, but it was further to the right.
A little farther along the path was the lion. He was resting in the sun.
Here's a different angle. 
We couldn't zoom in enough to get a look at he lion's "beans." You know, his paw pads.
On the way back to the entrance we spotted the orangutan moving from one enclosure to the next using this rope bridge.
It was amazing!

We had to leave for the next part of our day trip, but there was enough time to pose in front of one of the many flowering trees. 
Not cherry blossoms, but we saw lots of cherry blossoms as we searched for a parking spot and as we headed to Tyson's Corner Center.

Have you been to the National Zoo? We hope to go again to see more. I couldn't believe you could just walk right in! It was free!

Of my adventure, what was your favorite photo?

Please come back again tomorrow as the trip continues. It's a BIG first for us!

Best wishes,

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl or the National Zoo. All links are provided for educational and informative purposes. No purchase is suggested or required to enjoy the post. Tea Time with Melody Q does not receive any funding from links clicked.



  1. Dear Melody, hello. Thank you for sharing your adventure photos. My favorite is the second one, where you are waving,
    because you look so happy. I look forward to hearing more about your trip. Ms. Dorothy

    1. Thank you, Ms. Dorothy! It was a happy day. My cheeks hurt from all the smiling and excitement! :-D

  2. Notea and I would love to do this again :)

    Last time were were there, Notea and I found little mini panda mugs (doll sized) in the clearance section of the first gift shop. I was hoping they had something similar this trip but alas, no.
