
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Spread the Word

Breaking News in the Doll Blogosphere!

Living a Doll's Life is coming back! 
Check out this post for more details.
Fans are rejoicing!
If you've never visited LADL, head on over. 
Rhonda is a wealth of information and she has a great support team! 
The Living a Doll's Life blog posts from earlier years are still available to read, just scroll down the right side bar.

Best wishes!


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

What's What Wednesday 5

Tea Gifts

Hello! Melody here and I'm ready to talk tea gifts with you.
Do you know someone who loves tea? Do you need a gift for someone and aren't quite sure what to get them? This is where the tea gift is valuable. These are some basic ideas.
Here you can see a lovely tea bag or sachet or infuser holder, a porcelain teaspoon, and (giggles) tea.

These lovely holders keep liquid from draining all over the counter or table. Some come nicely packaged like this one. 
It's smaller than the Paddy Bear one, but still a great gift.
If you know for sure the person uses loose leaf tea, a cute infuser would be a great gift.
Lady Marvin collects unique infusers...I wonder if she has one like this. We talked about infusers back in 2013 and 2015. The squirrel makes me laugh. 
I love how the back give you instructions on how to use it. If you have thicker mugs like those from Longaberger, he won't work for you.

The gift of tea is really nice too. Nonna and Xyra regularly share or trade teas. You could share a basic black. (giggles) An LBT instead of a LBD. You know little black dress...little black tea. Or share your favorite or a unique blend like this peach rooibus herbal from Wegmans.
That's what I have in the line of tea gifts today. Of course, you can make a great little gift basket combining all of these ideas just add a cup or mug and some honey or scones.
Which is your favorite? If you gifted a tea, what blend would you give?

Oh, I almost forgot! I have a great new bow! Check it out! 
It's from Gingersnaps Bows
It's an Ava in solid black. 
Side note, I was looking to the right while Xyra took the bow photos. It's really not off center. (giggles)

Best wishes,

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, Yorkshire Tea, Wegmans, or Gingersnaps Bows. All items mentioned in the post were gifted to us. Links are provided for educational purposes. No purchase is suggested or required to enjoy the post; however, links will point you in the right direction if you are interested. TTwMQ does not receive funding for links clicked.


Friday, March 15, 2019

Mini Adventure #21: Luci Reveals

Answers to Questions

Stellar! My first post and it's an important one; I get to tell you some mars-a-licious info!

Grace's Boggle Word List

Grace searched and searched and came up with 15 words from the Boggle cube from the other day.
Oh, just in case the photo isn't clear: truce, clef, drum, turds, same, axe, axel, sax, sum, flex, curt, rut, rum, curds, mud.

If you didn't see her game day post, you can still check it out and play along. You just have to remember the letter dice have to touch but can go horizontal, vertical, diagonal, cube and you can't jump over letters. It's kind of like a word search, but not. (giggles)

Pi(e) Flavors

Yay! Yesterday was Pi Day! Some really good guesses were made about the pies; one guesser was half right. 
They're blueberry and cherry. Here's a closer look. 
Cetus lupetus, Pyewacket! Don't eat the pies!

That's it for my lunarious first solo adventure! Can't wait to venture out again!

Audentes fortuna juvat!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Math and Pastry

Happy Pi Day!

Hello! Long time no see! Pyewacket and I are here to wish you a very Happy Pi Day!
Do you have a favorite type of pie? We have two different fruit pies. Don't they look tasty? They smell wonderful!
Can you guess what flavors they are? Pyewacket is sniffing it out. (giggles)
Hope you have a great day! Get all your math homework done with a tasty treat.

Best wishes,

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Game Day with Grace

Word Games


Hi! My sisters and I love to play games. Unfortunately, they all have homework today and I finished mine early. Instead of waiting, I thought I'd ask you to play.
Lady Grey gave us Boggle for Christmas. It's awesome! You shake up the cube and get all the letter dice to settle into place. Then you get three minutes to make as many 3 or more letter words you can. The catch is the letters have to be touching and you can't double back on a letter to use it a second time. For instance in this test cube I can make: tea, way, tax, wet, met, teat, ace, wax, waxy, way, watt. Yeah, I lean on those 3-letter words. After time runs out, you compare lists and cross off duplicates.
So if you'd be interested in playing, I suggest the following adjustments: no time limit, leave your list in the comments. Spelling does count. Ems are underlined (M) double-us are not (W). Are you ready? Here is our actual game cube. 
I've already found a few words. 
Have you found the same words I did? Did you find anything unique? Looking forward to your comments.

À bientôt!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Build: March 2019

Third Month of the Year

Seeing Green

Hi, all! Kaya on the beat today revealing our latest calendar. This was a tricky one. We started out with one idea, then realized we didn't quite have the mini figures for it. We shifted gears and I think it was good.
Now, let me preface this for all those who are very interested in mythical peoples, we did some research and while elves are neither fairies nor leprechauns the three peoples are somewhat related. So since we did not have any leprechaun mini figures we thought we'd feature the elves in this magical month.
The elves featured are Aira Windwhistler and Azari Firedancer. We also included Emily Jones.
Aira is over on the left with her pegasi, Starshine and Rufus. Rufus has the blue markings by his eyes while Starshine's marking are purple.
Or Rufus is on Aira's right and Starshine on her left.
On this side, Emily is talking with Azari while Fledge, the baby dragon, looks on. Fledge wants what Emily has in her had.
Lining the front is a rainbow. We figured you had to go over a rainbow to enter magical realms. You know, it could be one type of portal. 
The large green plants are super shamrocks. There is one just budding between Rufus' and Starshine's back hooves. 
The pineapple is too easy to find this time. Did you see it?
I think this is one of my favorites. 
So colorful and pretty. Reminds me spring is on the way even though today the wind chill is taking us to single digits. Final look.
I hope you enjoyed the tour of this month's calendar. What is your favorite part?

Happy March!

Thank you for stopping! See you again soon!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl or LEGO. The items featured in today's post were purchased for our collection with our own funds. The sets are retired LEGO items. Links are for educational purposes only. No purchase is suggested or required to enjoy the post; the blog receives no funding for clicking the links.