
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Snow Day Feb 20

Lovely Afternoon

Hello! Grace on the scene today and reporting on yesterday. Yesterday, ah, beautiful yesterday! We had a winter storm come through. It wasn't super severe, but enough snow fell that Xyra was able to leave work early.
One of the things I love most about winter storms is the hush that falls over everything. You step outside and it's so quite you can hear the snowflakes fall on the ground.
Another beautiful thing about snow storms is how the fresh snow squeaks a little or crunches as you walk on it. 
Xyra is funny. If she walks out in the snow, like to get the mail, on her return trip she tries to put her feet back in her footprints so there is only one trail.
I think we had about 4 inches fall, but it changed to freezing rain then rain, so I don't have an accurate measure.
A lot of times we'll play games or watch movies on a snow day. You know, while it's still coming down. But yesterday, we ended up watching a Property Brothers Buying & Selling marathon. Drew is my favorite. Lea likes Jonathan more. What do you usually do on a snow day?

Yesterday was also National Love Your Pet Day, so you know our crew got some extra hugs and treats. We have a couple new little ones to introduce you too, but you'll have to come back another day to see them. (giggles) You won't regret it. Sooooo cute!

À bientôt!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, HGTV, or The Property Brothers. All links provided are for educational and informative purposes; the blog receives no funding if a link is clicked.



  1. LOVE me some Property Brothers. Nice way to spend the day.

  2. Dear Grace, what a fun snow day you had. I like your snow outfit.
    I like to stay inside on snow days and watch the snow fall. I also like to watch Property Brothers. In the day time, I watch Judge Judy.
    I look forward to seeing your new pets.
    Good-bye from Auntie Dorothy
