
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Meatloaf's New Jacket

Makes a Great Bed

[Meatloaf wanders over, drops bone, snorts]
Meatloaf, what's the matter?
[Stops short] (giggles) Oh, you found Heather! 
I guess she wanted a soft place to nap.
Okay. Okay. I'll put her back into her house.
Come on, Heather. Time to go back in your little house. Let Meatloaf have his new jacket.
(ro-oh!) [wags tail]
There you go. Get a snack.
Come here, Meatloaf. Let's try this on. Oh, you look very handsome! 
It's a little big, but looks toasty.
(Woof!) [wags tail]

Isn't our little hedger a cutie! She's a sweet addition to our four-footed family. Meatloaf isn't used to her yet. (giggles) Do you have any unusual pets? What is it/are they?

Xyra Notes

  • Heather, the hedgehog, and her house are part of the My Life As Small Pet Play Set. The set also includes a hamster, exercise wheel, teeter-totter, and food. We hope to introduce the hamster later; she's the same size as the hedgehog so some creativity needs to be employed. 😉
  • Meatloaf's new jacket and bone Ruff & Ready Pet Outfit. The button really works, but mainly Velcro closure.
  • Grace's mittens by Dressing Dollies purchased at Lydia's Guild Craft Show in November.

Á bientôt!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, My Life As, or Dressing Dollies. All items featured were gifted to or purchased for our collection. Links are provided for educational and informative purposes; no funding is received for links clicked. No purchase is required or suggested to enjoy the post.


  1. Hello Grace, Meatloaf does look very nice in his jacket. He may not want to keep it on too long as dogs don't seem to like clothing very much, even when it makes them look cute.
    Heather seems like a fun pet to have. We don't have any pets in our house. We just have doll children. Auntie Dorothy

    1. Haha! Meatloaf is one of the rare ones who doesn't mind wearing clothes. The jacket, is just for trips outside in the colder temps and for the cold weather rail trips he takes now and then. :-)

  2. yeh, I still don't why the're the same size. Maybe the hedge hog is a baby?

    1. Yep, I'm thinking Heather is a baby hedgehog. Of course, it will turn out she is also a dwarf because... ;-)

  3. Oh my word, Heather and her accessories are adorable! What a great find, I hadn't seen this one yet.

    1. Our thanks to "Santa" Nonna! More to come on this topic. :-)
