
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Movie Review: Fantastic Beasts 2

The Crimes of Grindewald

Okay, so you're probably thinking, "Gee, Grace, you're taking over the blog a lot lately!" Well, yes, but since I went to Fantastic Beasts it makes sense for me to review the second one. You know, for continuity.

Black Friday Movie Time!

I'd like to know why it's always super cold when I go to the movies! (laughing) Oh, well. Here we are making our way from the back parking is the best place to park for the the front plaza or piazza or square. Loving that Aquaman poster behind me.
Movie Tavern is Lady Webby's favorite place to see movies and since we were also celebrating her birthday.
It's so exciting when you step through the door.
We were there really early. The traffic and parking wasn't nearly as bad as we thought. Lady Vayer was super early too, so we decided to go to Panera while we waited for Lady Webby.
Their lemon drop cookies are amazing!
Lady Webby joined us at Panera too and we had her open gifts there. Much more room. Plus we could put everything in her car right away. She found a good spot on the main drive.

I'm always excited to find our seat!
And settle in. we ordered iced tea, popcorn, and churros.
Soon the movie started. Shhhh, the movie's starting. No flash allowed.
I LOVED the Chinese lion dragon! And then it was over!
And time to head home.

This is an awesome Aquaman poster too.

The Review

[Xyra note: As always, we try to keep our reviews spoiler free.]
WOW! Okay, so I loved this movie! It was! We learn so much about Newt and Leta not to mention Dumbledore and Grindewald. There was light...two nifflers! And dark...I am scared for Queenie and Credence. Some very interesting new creatures for Newt. Bunty is a great assistant. I don't know how many of these movies will be made but I'm looking forward to the next one already! So is Lea, there is talk about shooting scenes in Rio.

Have you seen Fantastic beasts 2: The Crimes of Grindewald? If yes, please share your thoughts in the comment section.

À bientôt!


  1. On my list to see, hopefully soon!!!

  2. Adorable outing with Grace! I have seen the movie, and I enjoyed it, just not quite all the action and flashing lights quite a bit of it seemed unnecessary. But the backstory has me very excited for the third! I think there will be five in total, I'm not sure though.

    1. Yes! I totally agree about the back story and history. There is so much on so many in this movie; looking forward to number 3. I heard 5 or so as well.
