
Monday, November 26, 2018

At Our House 2018

Thanksgiving Day

Everyone has different traditions. We've probably shared ours with you before, but wanted to "hang out" with you again so welcome to our Thanksgiving.

Morning into Afternoon

Can anyone reach the food?
And tea?
Seems we're purr-alyzed. (laughing)
I can.
Me too.
Me three! (giggles)

We start Thanksgiving day with a "continental breakfast" of pastries and tea. We had a bit of bacon this year too. Yum! 

Missy! No! That food is not for you!

We talk with Gramma Enne and Opa Hans in the morning too. Just passing the phone around.

Who has the remote?
I think Xyra does.
Okay. I wanted to check what was happening at Macy's.
[Channel flips to Macy's and back to Philadelphia's parade]
Thank you!
Yes, keep it here on the Eagles drum line!
Go, Swoop!

After the parade we like to watch the National Dog Show.

Oh, the bloodhound is awesome this year.
You know the Harrier looks like a beagle to me.
The Harrier's handler is outstanding!
Yeah, he is!
Hey, what smells so good?
Xyra's pumpkin pie is baking.

Soon it's time to clean up and get ready to head over the reservoir and through the woods to Nana Kestrel's.

Let's get cleaned up.
I've got the cups.
I've got the plates.
Someone turn the game on!
[Channel switches to Chicago Bears vs. Detroit Lions]

Later in the afternoon we headed over to Nana Kestrel's for dinner. Sorry no photos there. We had turkey and mashed potatoes and potato filling and green beans and corn and cranberry sauce and crescent rolls and pumpkin pie! There was gravy too.

What are your Thanksgiving traditions?

Best wishes!


  1. Sounds like you all had a great Thanksgiving. Dinner sounds delicious. I watched some of the parade and flipped back and forth like you. Belated Happy Thanksgiving Day! Now onto Christmas. Wish the cold weather would hit down here in Cape May. We have mild days and more rain than we need.

    1. We agree about the more rain than we need. Would like the mild days though; it's really windy and cold here today. Stay cozy!

  2. Ours sounds about like yours except we don't have to go anywhere, I do the cooking! Parade, dog show, dinner and football.
