
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Meatloaf's Rail Adventures #9

Return to a Favorite Spot

Steam into History and the Heritage Rail Trail

What is a great way to spend Labor Day? Heading to a favorite spot. In this case riding the rails from New Freedom, PA to Hyde a little over 2 1/2 miles south of York City. If you follow Meatloaf's Rail Adventures, you'll know this is his third time. The first was last Labor Day and then again just before Memorial Day this year. Just like in May, Meatloaf was super excited to go. He loves being on the rails with the wind in his face.

Set on at New Freedom Station

Franz, Xyra, and Meatloaf picked up Leg Lare on their way. This time there was a problem with Leg Lare's car and they did not take it. The plan was for the three of them to ride in Franz's C&O car. When they arrived at New Freedom, Leg Lare found out there were several people with seats open. They set on and set up. Meatloaf trotted toward the station.
He almost got to the New Freedom Little Free Library
but decided to take refuge in the shade.
It was around 90 degrees with 78% humidity. It was a good thing they packed extra drinks.

After the safety meeting they group moved out. Xyra volunteered to help flag the crossings with heavy traffic. Soon they were at the first stop. Hanover Junction Station. Meatloaf stopped to smell the flowers and get a drink.
Then they waited for the signal to mount up and head out again.
Meatloaf stretched his little legs and walked back and forth to the motor car and the shade.
Soon it was time to go and Xyra scooped him up and got him settled in the motor car.

They were off! The rail trail was filled with bicyclists! A few joggers and a few walkers many with dogs. But for as many as were taking photos of the rail riders, Xyra didn't get any shots of those on the rail trail. At one point they looked down at the river and saw people tubing! 

After turning on the Hyde crossing, the group headed back to Howard Tunnel for lunch. 
It was dark. 
Kind of nice to be out of the sun and away from the stingers. Franz got stung several times over the course of the day. Xyra and Meatloaf were safe, we think the exhaust kept them from being stung - like bee keepers use smoke to calm a hive. (Not taken in the tunnel, of course.)
Then it was time to head out again.
Another stop at Hanover Junction, but he stayed close to the car.

Eager to see the sites AND to get back to the air conditioned truck.

Heading Home

Ahhhh, air conditioning. But when we got out again?

Which was your favorite photo? Have you ever hiked a rail trail?

Best wishes,


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