
Monday, November 7, 2016

Coffee & Tea Festival Philly 2

A Super Fun Day


Oh, my goodness! The Coffee and Tea Festival Philly was sooooooo much fun! I can't wait to show you all the places we visited and that was only a percentage of what was available. 

Okay, you saw me standing outside waiting to enter. I'm glad we got there when we did because the line kept growing behind us. Luckily we were there early enough to get one of the shopping bags and then it was like trick or treating again as we moved down the line and collected samples. Who doesn't love samples?

At the end of the line we merged into the main area. The organizers, Starfish Junction, did a wonderful job in planning the layout of exhibitors. There was a lot of space for everyone to walk and browse and talk. Even a space set aside for seminars.
Which way to go? Which way to go? Such decisions! Yes, we still clumped now and then, but overall free flowing.

We decided to use Xyra's phone to take the photos instead of the camera. Looking over the shots, I'm not sure if that was a good idea or not. Some are fantastic, others are a little blurry. The phone has a harder time focusing foreground and background than the camera does. So some things that looked clear ended up not being legible. Major bummer!

Now, I mentioned all those nifty exhibitors and samples and goodies and photo opportunities and purchases. Well, I need one more night to get everything sorted. I apologize for that, but I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Do you have a favorite tea brand? Leave a comment sharing your go to favorite brand or blend of tea, please.

Best wishes,


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