
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Grace Heads North 2

Road Trip Continued

Day 2 - On to Nova Scotia

Heading Out

The day started early again. Today was a lot cooler than yesterday and overcast too. How do I look?
We picked up tea and coffee from the main office and breakfast area then headed out. Later we stopped at Tim Horton's for donuts and more tea.
I kinda like Tim Horton better than Dunkin Donuts.

We crossed the border in Calais and picked up the highway east. Great scenery.

For lunch we stopped at A&W. The burger was so so, but the rest of the food was really good. The wrappers are all marked compostable! Cool!

We got to Head of St Margarets Bay in the late afternoon and had a lovely visit and dinner with our friends. Dinner was a turkey or chicken casserole made with rice and broccoli and cheese sauce. We also had warm, wheat rolls and salad.

They were so very nice and let us stay the night in a very comfy bedroom.

Day 3 - Back to Maine

Another early start. Mrs. made a breakfast with eggs and bacon and homemade wheat toast with jam. Yummy!

The house was right across the street from the bay.

A lovely view.

Then it was back on the road south into Maine. 
This time we were headed to Sebago and friends at Mayberry Farms.

We had a great visit there. While the adults talked I got to play with the puppies! 

They reminded me a lot of Bonbon. You might ask why meatloaf came along and not Bonbon. Well, Bonbon really only likes short car trips; she wouldn't have done well.

Day 4 - Heading Back to PA

Another early morning, but the Mayberry's were up before we were. That's life on a farm. Isn't the sunrise gorgeous?!

Mrs. made chocolate chip muffins. 

We loaded up the truck and headed south. We stopped for gas and something to drink and then it was drive, drive, drive. 
Our only stop was at Chick-fil-a for lunch and then home.

It was a great trip, but we were happy to be home. 
Bonbon jumped on me as soon as we opened the front door.

Our trip covered 2100 miles. Isn't that cool! Have you ever had a super quick vacation? Where did you go?

A bientot!


  1. Just getting away for a few days is always good! We used to take long weekends to New York City, Washington DC and Niagara Falls quite a bit. It is always good to come home though.

    1. Long weekends are a lot of fun. yes, coming home to a familiar shower and bed...ahhhh!
      ~Grace (and Xyra too)
