
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Grace Heads North 1

Road Trip

Hi! who likes to travel and see new places? I do, I do. This was a really quick trip; we were only gone 4 days. I'll probably be able to tell you about it in two or maybe three posts. Why so few? Well, the first day we stopped at this really cool railway museum and took lots of photos. After that we didn't get to take a lot of photos. We did a lot of driving.

Day 1 North to Wiscasset, Maine

Heading Out

We headed out really early in the morning. We drove all the way to Massachusetts before we had to stop for gas. It was nice to get out and stretch a bit.
Meatloaf let Tama pose on him.
Then we hopped back in the truck. We were going to stop for lunch along the way, but traffic got bad so we stayed the course until we crossed the border into Maine. The visitor's center or travel plaza had a Burger King. Normally we aren't fans, but it tasted good this time.

Wiscasset, Waterville, and Farmington Railway

(These photos are slightly out of order because I wanted to show the museum sign first.)
We arrived at the railway museum late. Unfortunately we missed the last train ride, but we did make the last rail car ride.
It is a gorgeous working museum.


Check out how they turn the car!

One goal is to continue extending the rail line.
When we got back to the station we started exploring.

Engine 9 is the one they were using today. Newly restored steam engine. 

It looks great and they told us it had a good day.

The next goal includes three more engines 7, 10, and 11.This is their fundraising information.

This machine applying rivots.
Here is the station
Some of the buildings in the yard. Aren't they great. 
In one we found a hand car. 
Gramma Enne and Oppa Hans are certified to give hand card rides at the Nevada State Railroad Museum.

Xyra and I were watching this marshy area. 
The critters were talking, but we couldn't see anything. Every now and then we'd hear one jump into the water. It made us laugh.

Wiscasset Woods Motor Lodge

Everyone needs a home away from home on a road trip. This was our only hotel for the trip. It's called Wiscasset Woods Motor Lodge. They have a nice bench rocker just outside the main door.

Inside is fresh, homemade gingerbread. 
Mugs and moose. The moose reminded me of Nana Kestrel; she collects them.
Our room had it's own porch with a chair and everything.

After settling we headed out to dinner at Sarah's Cafe. Dinner was yummy.

Later we had a snack of apple with peanut butter and Moxie. 
Moxie is a local drink. Kind of tastes like Coke and Dr. Pepper with a hint of A-Treat black cherry. Yummy!

It was a long, fun day, and the next was going to start early too.

A bientot!


  1. Looks like Grace is having a wonderful time! That railway museum is gorgeous! I love all of the interesting buildings and cool rail cars! Looks like so much fun! :)

    ginnie /

    1. It's a really great working museum and tourist railway. They have great community events too! We had a great time there. Very friendly people.

  2. Love the railroad museum, looks very interesting. It's always fun to see new things!

    1. They sponsor great events. One time we were there after Labor Day (it was a lot cooler) and were there for a fall fest. The train took you up to Alna Center and dropped you off to do lots of fun things and have refreshments.

  3. I love travel blogs! New England is one of my favorite places to visit, and I would love to ride the rail car someday. Thanks for sharing your adventure, Grace!


    1. Hi, Sophie! Thank you for stopping by! New England is lovely; and it was my first time. Loved it. You would really enjoy the whole railway. The rail car is so unique.
